Participant Tracks and Outcomes

Participant "Tracks"

Participants can choose to take this course either as a Reviewing Participant or as a Practicing Facilitator. This flexibility allows you to choose what kind of learning is best for you at this time - whether you’d like to spend your time in the course discussing best practice concepts, reviewing examples of synchronous online facilitation and providing feedback, or alternatively “getting your feet wet”, planning for and facilitating a short synchronous online event and receiving feedback.

Reviewing Participants are expected to:

  • be an active participant in the course throughout its duration (see participation expectations)
  • give feedback to Practicing Facilitators as they prepare for their facilitation
  • participate in at least two synchronous online sessions of Practicing Facilitators and give feedback to them

Practicing Facilitators are expected to:

  • be an active participant in the course throughout its duration (see participation expectations)
  • plan and facilitate a synchronous online session near the end of the course, either alone or in a pair
  • participate in at least one other facilitated session by a fellow Practicing Facilitator and and give feedback to them
  • ask for feedback from Reviewing Participants and course facilitators both as you plan your facilitated session and after your session; do own reflection on session

Learning Outcomes

The following are the different sets of intended learning outcomes for the two participants tracks for this course.

Reviewing Participants track

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. Identify effective planning and facilitation strategies for synchronous online sessions
  2. Provide effective feedback to facilitators of synchronous online sessions
  3. Explain the importance of evaluation for synchronous online sessions
Practicing Facilitators track

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. Apply effective design strategies to plan for synchronous online sessions
  2. Lead synchronous online sessions using appropriate facilitation skills
  3. Use a web-based platform at a basic level to facilitate synchronous online sessions
  4. Use reflection and feedback gathering to evaluate synchronous online sessions
Course Self-Assessment Rubric

To get the maximum benefit from this course, it will be helpful for you to reference this self-assessment rubric before, during and at the end of the course. To successfully complete FLO Synchronous, we ask that you "meet" or "exceed" requirements for the criteria that pertain to all participants and to the course track that you were on (Reviewing Participant or Practicing Facilitator).

You will be asked to submit this self-assessment to course facilitators at the end of the course.