Unit Notes - FDWO Week 2: The Deep Dive


Now we have looked at how you will successfully launch the ISWO (by attending to pre-course preparation and Week 1), it's time to do the "deep dive" into the rest of the course: Weeks 2 - 5.

Each week in the ISWO is designed to provide resources and activities we consider "essentials" for facilitating online learning effectively.

The units follow a predictable pattern:

  • readings/resources
  • mini-sessions led by participant teams
  • reflection and applying learning (journal shares, FLIF)

Once the mini-sessions begin, they become a focus for the units, and so your work expands to include attending to both the "meta" part of the ISWO course, as well as the people designing and facilitating mini-sessions. This is why putting the huge effort into Week 1 is important.  You'll need to have helped most participants to be on board, able to navigate the site, and have a fairly good sense of the structure and philosophy/approach of ISWO so that you can begin putting your energy and attention elsewhere.