Unit Notes - FDWO Week 1: The Big Picture

Your Technical Skills

Facilitating the ISWO requires intermediate-to-advanced editing/creating skills in a Learning

Top View Of Smiling Man With Thumbs Up And Laptop by imagerymajestic on freedigitalphotos.net

Management System (we use Moodle) and a web conferencing tool (we use Collaborate). 

It is also preferable to have some knowledge of at least a few fun, free, easy-to use external/3rd party tools up your sleeve to demonstrate and pass on to participants. The idea is to model technology use to serve teaching and learning goals, and one trap of any LMS is it tends to force the over-use of forums. In ISWO, we want to encourage people to explore other tools for collaboration and communication: pick the right tool for the job.

During week 1, there is an activity where everyone contributes images of community that are "knit" together into a video, with music added (in our case, this tends to be done in PowerPoint, and then converted to a web friendly format).   If you don't have these skills, how/can you either get them fast, or secure support to get that job done? 

Question Mark Dice courtesy of Stuart Miles on freedigitalphotos.net.jpg

Ask Yourself....(and jot in your journal...)

  • How do I feel about my technical skills, with editing in an LMS, and moderating live web conferencing sessions? Am I confident?
  • How/where can I learn more, if I need to?