Course Outline

FDWO Learning Activities

Learning Journal

We're fans of learning journals. We know that unless and until we actually jot notes as we go (those "hey neat" or "a-ha" or "I gotta remember to talk to Bob about...." moments), we often lose many of the details that could help us transform ideas/thoughts into action.

So, like in ISWO, you're asked to record what you are learning and want to remember in the form of a journal.

You are welcome to use whatever format you like for your journal (blog, paper notebook, Google doc, etc) - it is private and yours alone.

And, we ask that you share a short nugget from your journal each week in the Weekly Journal Share forum. Here are some journal prompts that may be useful as you go:

Suggested Weekly Journal Share Prompts
  • What do you take from this week's Unit Notes? What holds special promise for your practice? Record key ideas, strategies, and resources.
  • What have you seen or heard from other FDWOers that you want to remember?
  • What is one step or task that would help you implement one (or more) of your learnings this week? i.e., how can you go from thought to action?

What will YOUR journal format be?

You may remember this from ISWO - it applies here, too...