Course Outline

Learning Goals

The overarching goal, of course, is to prepare you to co-facilitate the ISWO.

To get there, we will spend 2 weeks in a community of supportive peers, exploring the architecture of the ISWO from a facilitator's perspective. 

You will learn about the "behind the scenes" work and prep required, and you will be given opportunites to actually do some of your own ISWO facilitator prep here, by creating artifacts and accessing resources and tried-and-true checklists you can adopt and modify in your own teaching of the ISWO.

Because the main prerequisite of this course is having completed the ISWO, we will dive right in, assuming you know what we mean when we say things like, "mini-session" or "FLIF" (if you don't remember, you can look to the ISWO Sandbox course, or post a note to the Q & A forum)

Also, all topics and resources in the ISWO (e.g., about giving feedback, managing your time, supporting adult learners online, etc) have direct application to your facilitation of ISWO. For this reason, we won't be exploring those from scratch. But we will have a look how they apply specifically to your work facilitating the ISWO.

This journey is intended to be short, practical, and rich with community participation and sharing from all of you, experienced ISWO participants!

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