Joined on May 26, 2008 at 8:01 AM
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Hi Sue, welcome, we're just getting underway
Sue L.: great
Sue L.: chicken and egg? we need people to use the research
Moderator (Paul Stacey): What kind of impact could be claimed currently from e-learning done by faculty?
Terry Anderson: The Parker quote will go nicely in our "defintion of E:earning Wiki page., thanks
Sue L.: yes!! hear hear!!
Sue L.: if its an innovation than how can it have a history?
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Will be interesting some day if students actually have choices about how they receive their learning.
Terry Anderson: But using research should/could/might safe time for faculty!
Terry Anderson: Make that save time
Sue L.: we need to get better at collaboration
Moderator (Paul Stacey): I like this idea of professional peers collaborating on teaching/learning activity.
Sue L.: sounds like teacher learning circles at the k-12 level
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Looks good Tom we can see it
Sue L.: good idea! of the updates for new people
Moderator (Paul Stacey): How much of the difference between faculty is about logistics vs. pedagogy vs. content
Terry Anderson: Sounds like a microcosm of Canad'sfear of 'national' agendas.
Sue L.: Was it hard to get buy in from the other instructors?
Sue L.: did the all understand what this type collaboration could mean to the development of their courses?
Sue L.: *they
Terry Anderson: Shows the need for at least some small incentives
Sue L.: joint researcher/practitioner design from the start.... s-t-r-o-n-g!
Terry Anderson: I hope at the end you speculate Tom, how these type of grass roots innovation can (or should?) expand to large national initiatives - ie are large scale EduSource, Lornet projects obsolete?
Moderator (tcarey): yup, wait for it...
glen: I like the lead catalyst role, shared ownership critical
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Synthesis to practice is what is needed for e-learning right now.
Sue L.: very close to what an instructional designer must do when working with faculty to put courses online.
Sue L.: it's the context at the micro level that I believe is also helpful in getting the buy in from faculty in the process
Moderator (Paul Stacey): I like the way this pulls research literature and applies it to a specific need.
Sue L.: Can other faculty who are not a part of the project get access to the group's work as it is being developed?
Terry Anderson: t's interesting that in both examples, the focus is on the pedagogy, and just assumes tools are there for use, which is probably directly addressing the real promblem as more and more e-learning resources/objects become available.
glen: are the discipline colleagues incumbent workers in the field?
Terry Anderson: The need for privacy in group activities is well documeneted, the challenge will be to edit dileberations, such that the a subset of useful work can be distributed.
Sue L.: i agree that sometimes it just makes sense NOT to have things public
glen: How does real world knowlege get into the mix?
glen: Tahnk YOU
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Thats great Tom
Moderator (Paul Stacey): Follow on to your Knowledge Exchange recommendations no doubt
Sue L.: the work space looks like it might need some tweaking
vickyb: Did I hear correctly that this collaborative project is for Ontario institutions only?
Moderator (Paul Stacey): @ Vicky, yes Tom's based at the University of Waterloo and has been working to make change there.
Moderator (Paul Stacey): You can scroll to the right if you need to bring the whole image into view
Sue L.: This type of sharing iis very common at the k-12 level
Sue L.: perhaps I'm not understanding something
Moderator (Paul Stacey): I like hearing what students have to say
Sue L.: okay... there isn't much sharing from the student's perspective at k-12 but it's beginning
glen: I'm interested in the concept intorduced earlier when you said that you were able to convince students that the knowledge or skills that they were acquiring would have application in a real world settings. Unless faculty are also working in the community of practice their knowledge is specialized for the teaching community of practice rather than the actual community of practice. How do faculty stay current?
Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier: Did Tom say "Concerns-Based Adoption Model"?
glen: Or are there other inputs?
glen: So focus groups provide input?
Sue L.: The Cooperative Learning Object Exchange (out of Waterloo) has used the case study approach about development & adoption of learning objects -
Sue L.: Tom do you see your work changing colleges at the policy / union level?
Terry Anderson: Yes, we should try to end close to the top of the hour.
Sue L.: online artifacts... are they the next coming of learning objects?
Sue L.: and lots of time for sorting through the goods
glen: Thanks Tom.
Sue L.: good stuff Tom liked the approaches you're trying