Enrolment options

This workshop is a follow-up to the Pulling Together Curriculum Developers 2023 series and the 2022 FLO MicroCourse Considerations to Indigenize Your Work and gives registrants an opportunity to put what they have learned into practical application. This workshop aims to review and reframe tangible aspects of persons teaching practices, and we encourage participants to to bring in personal examples of their work such as syllabus, course assignments, grading rubrics, etc, for discussion. You will be invited to work in break out rooms with other educators and to bring any pending questions from previous series. Facilitators will be helping with the application and processes of Indigenizing one’s work. We will be using a Moodle platform; these sessions will take place via Zoom. We will not be recording these sessions. 

These workshops will take place on Thursday March 2nd from 10am-12pm PST and  Thursday March 16th from 10am-12pm PST. 

Facilitators Bios 

Dr. María del Carmen Rodríguez de France (she/her) was born and raised in Monterrey, México, where she loved living and learning as a teacher for 15 years. Carmen acknowledges the privilege and responsibility of living on the land of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations, the Songhees and Esquimalt people, and  the Lekwungen people, and- and SENCOTEN-speaking peoples since 2006. Carmenis a faculty member in the Department of Indigenous Education at the University of Victoria, where she facilitates courses on Indigenous pedagogy and education as well as on social justice. Learn more about Carmen. 

Gabrielle Lamontagne (she/her) is the coordinator of Collaborative Projects and Indigenization at BCcampus. She is a Métis woman originally from Winnipeg. Her background is in library and information studies, Indigenous land claims, and archival research. 


  1. What skills or aspects from the previous Pulling Together series do you want to apply to you work/course/teaching? 

  2. What areas of your work do you want to apply these skills or aspects to (e.g., course syllabus, assignments, lecture style, etc.)? 

  3. What would be your dream goal for this workshop?

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