What are the purposes and outcomes of campus-based educational development and professional learning? Twenty-one British Columbia colleges, institutes and universities contributed to a study of teaching and learning enhancement structures, practices and directions. Beginning with the end in mind, this report summarizes the purposes and outcomes of campus-based educational development and professional learning. Comprehensive conceptual frameworks illuminate dimensions and models for organizing educational development. Consultation, e-learning, scholarship of teaching and learning and leadership for learning chapters project emerging professional learning directions. Study findings document an invigorating range of teaching and learning enhancement mandates and initiatives that may assist strategic planning in post-secondary institutions. When making decisions about educational development initiatives, study authors recommend that the unique context of each institution be taken into account, in concert with sufficient consultation to enable reasoned and credible programming while sustaining a nimble momentum. As an Open Educational Resource, we encourage redistribution of the campus-based educational development and professional learning report.
To ease access, the study is available as a wiki and as an academic paper (PDF). We are very interested in your perspectives and encourage your comments through the forum. A place to begin might be the one-page overview.
Citation: Randall, N., Heaslip, P., & Morrison, D. (2013). Campus-based Educational Development & Professional Learning: Dimensions & Directions. Vancouver, BC, Canada: BCcampus.
Contacts for study authors:
Nancy Randall nancy.randall@viu.ca
Penny Heaslip pheaslip@tru.ca
Diane Morrison dianemorrison@shaw.ca