SIG: Professional Reading Group Series
Topic outline
Professional Reading Group Series
Cases in Online Interview Research
(2011) Janet Salmons. SAGE Publications
Online Conferences: Professional Development for a Networked Era
(2010) Lynn Anderson and Terry Anderson. Information Age Publishing
Education for a Digital World - Edition 2.0
Online Interviews in Real Time
(2009) Janet Salmons. Sage -
The World is Open
(2009) Curtis J. Bonk. Jossey-Bass -
Re-thinking E-learning Research
(2009) Norm Friesen. New York: Peter Lang -
Empowering Online Learning" 100+ Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing
(2008) Curtis J. Bonk, Ke Zhang. Jossey-Bass -
Huber, Mary T. (2004). Balancing Acts: The scholarship of teaching and learning in academic careers. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (30th Anniversary Edition).
(2006) Paulo Friere, New York: Continuum -
Learning to listen, learning to teach: The power of dialogue in educating adults
(2002) Jane Vella, San Francisco: Jossey Bass. -
Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education.
(2004) Saroyen & Amundsen -
Knowing Knowledge
(2006) George Siemens -