This is used for communication between meetings and file storage.
- Moderator: Ross McKerlich
- Moderator: Lannie Kanevsky
- Moderator: Le Phuong Anh (Anna) Pham
- Moderator: Lannie Kanevsky
- Moderator: Cindy Xin
This space is a way to gather together Facilitator Development Online alumni. We can use it to further share, create, develop, and reflect on facilitation projects and experiences, and to promote and advance our FLO courses.
- Moderator: Leonne Beebe
- Moderator: Gina Bennett
- Moderator: Sally Bourque
- Moderator: Viviana Chiorean
- Moderator: Beth Cougler Blom
- Moderator: Sylvia Currie
- Moderator: BJ Eib
- Moderator: Grant Gregson
- Moderator: Rachel Loganberg
- Moderator: Ross McKerlich
- Moderator: Sylvia Riessner
- Moderator: Tracy Roberts
The BC Deans of Arts and Science programs (BCDASP) is a consortium of 21 public and private PSE institutions in BC and the Yukon. It works on developing a sustainable platform of innovation and collaboration; shared delivery of courses and programs; new collaboration credentials; innovative entry and transfer agreements; sharing faculty, curricula, and resources; online learning; sharing technical resources; and sharing approaches to avoid duplication and waste.
- Moderator: Sylvia Currie
- Moderator: Steve Eccles
- Moderator: Karen Langan