
Friday, 22 February 2008


TESOL Electronic Village Online 2008 CfP

Site event
TESOL Electronic Village Online 2008 CfP

The CALL Interest Section of the international TESOL
professional association is pleased to offer the
opportunity to participate in the Electronic Village
Online (EVO) 2008 season. This is a professional
development project and virtual extension of the TESOL
2008 Convention in New York. The intended audience
for this project includes both TESOL 2008 participants
and those who can participate only virtually.

You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate in
a free , six-week , wholly online session of the EVO,
Jan 14 - Feb 24, 2008. Please visit our Announcement
Page to select one or two among the various offerings.


SCoPE Seminar: Teaching and Learning Centres Revisited

SCoPE Live Event: SCoPE-ing out Teaching and Learning Centres

Friday, 22 February, 11:00 AM » 12:00 PM
Site event
This Elluminate session is live from the Educational Developers Caucus Annual Winter Conference in Vancouver.

Presenters: Vivian Neal and Alice Cassidy
Moderator: Amy Severson
In the summer of 2007, we were part of an international dialogue (through visits and a seminar using SCoPE, an online educational community) about the range of programs and services offered at teaching and learning centres (TLCs). We will share results and invite you to consider connections to your work. Our results 'nuggets' include: (1) a broad range of roles (such as researcher, project manager, instructional designer and workshop facilitator); (2) the interplay between conducting research and leading practice-based seminars and (3) the extent to which we serve undergraduate students. Compare the list of programs and services from our survey of UK, Canada and Australia to yours. Consider adding one to
your repertoire? All who participate are invited to contribute to a paper that is under construction.