
Friday, 1 February 2008


TESOL Electronic Village Online 2008 CfP

Site event
TESOL Electronic Village Online 2008 CfP

The CALL Interest Section of the international TESOL
professional association is pleased to offer the
opportunity to participate in the Electronic Village
Online (EVO) 2008 season. This is a professional
development project and virtual extension of the TESOL
2008 Convention in New York. The intended audience
for this project includes both TESOL 2008 participants
and those who can participate only virtually.

You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate in
a free , six-week , wholly online session of the EVO,
Jan 14 - Feb 24, 2008. Please visit our Announcement
Page to select one or two among the various offerings.


CIDER Session: Problem Based Learning in Distance Education: A Case Study

Friday, 1 February, 10:00 AM » 11:00 AM
Site event
Title: Problem Based Learning in Distance Education: A Case Study

This study used Problem Based Learning (PBL) in social work courses that were offered through a distance education social work program in which the classes were conducted via audio-conferencing. The study sought to explore the student's experience of problem based learning and to compare it with courses taught using a lecture based teaching model. The research findings will be explored in some depth, with a particular focus on the student's experience of this model of teaching. A brief introduction to Problem Based Learning and its use in distance education will be provided.

Where: Online via Elluminate at:
