
Wednesday, 11 July 2007


Innovate-Live: Changing Needs, Changing Models

Site event
Webcast: http://www.uliveandlearn.com/PortalInnovate/

Author: Howard Wach
Changing Needs, Changing Models: Instructional Technology Training at Bronx
Community College

Innovate-Live: The Knowledge Building Paradigm

Site event
Webcast: http://www.uliveandlearn.com/PortalInnovate/

Author: Donald Philip
The Knowledge Building Paradigm: A Model of Learning for Net Generation

Innovate-Live: Reusable Learning Objects Through Peer Review

Site event
Authors: Edward Gehringer, Luke Ehresman, Susan G. Conger, and Prasad Wagle
Reusable Learning Objects Through Peer Review: The Expertiza Approach