Showing 4 of 4 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "emerging course considerations" in Learning and Knowledge Analytics:


Re: Course Data Dump
by George Siemens
all user contributions are CC-licensed emerging course considerations Sylvia Currie
Re: Course Data Dump
by George Siemens
given the conversation is on the open web, course participants should expect some sort of analysis to be conducted emerging course considerations Sylvia Currie


: Introductions
Re: Facilitator and student ombudsmen...
by Mark Gbur
there is a potential to inject a feedback mechanism in this course, and any MOOC for that matter, with regard to the helpfulness of reading material in the Syllabus. emerging course considerations Sylvia Currie
Re: Facilitator and student ombudsmen...
by Vanessa Vaile
Now I'm on the lookout for a good glossary emerging course considerations Sylvia Currie
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