Showing 17 of 17 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Tools for Collaborating Online: March 1-19, 2010"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
Google Wave: Some practicalities.
by Emma Duke-Williams
Getting students to join! need to have account/ to be invited / have to get them into a Google group. Ensuring all students can find the waves. Accessibility issues?? Could dyslexic students get confused? Does it work with studnets who need screen readers? Can text be enlarged for students who have limited vision How about students with aspergers - too chaotic?? Students who don't have access issues ... but just don't like it! Usability on handheld devices?? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
by Colby Stuart
For instance, what are the things you have learned here by simply asking questions? Isn't asking great questions is a great collaboration tool? Couldn't that be one of the primary behaviours for high level engagement? Isn't listening with resonance another great collaborative tool? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Who helps people learn how to ask great questions to frame what you truly want to learn? Who helps people learn how to use their imagination as a collaborative tool? Who helps people learn how to listen with resonance? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Tools!
by Emma Duke-Williams
Indeed, do we think that wave is a good *collaborative* tool, or is it more of a discourse tool? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Tools!
by Peter Rawsthorne
So if the tools are going to be changing and new ones coming along... shouldn't we focus more on the pedagogical approaches to using the tools? And then "play" with the tools to implement the approach? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Tools!
by Irwin DeVries
What learning experiences or processes are enhanced by a tool like Wave? What is the "cost-benefit ratio" in time, effort and frustration versus some kind of productivity? Where would we recommend it and why? What type of support would it need? questions Hilda Anggraeni
phases and processes
by Sylvia Currie
I'm also fascinated in watching the activity in our SCoPE Waves by the willingness of participants to jump in with quick, short replies and with new questions and observations. Why is that? Does it feel different than a forum? Less worry about noise? I often think that's a barrier in mailing lists and forums where members are subscribed by email. We're so concerned about INBOXES these days! questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Welcome!
Re: Welcome!
by Jenny Mackness
what do you see as the advantages of Google Wave for online collaboration? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: What exactly *is* collaboration?
What exactly *is* collaboration?
by Emma Duke-Williams
This reminded me of something that I was thinking about before we started - what exactly do we mean by "collaboration"? It's a term we use a lot; yet what is it? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Is a discussion on a forum collaboration, or merely a discussion? Suppose that leads then to a shared conference paper? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What about the website where everyone does their own page & someone just links them all together? Collaboration or not? questions Hilda Anggraeni
How about the slide show where one person selects the slides, another the music (and iMovie sorts out how long before the next picture pops up!) questions Hilda Anggraeni
Does collaboration have to focus on the creation of something "real" (or virtual!) or can that something be a shared idea / vision? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration?
by Emma Duke-Williams
I agree that Moodle is a good site for *discussion* - would you say it's also good for *collaboration* - or do we need something else? (But, of course, it comes back to what we understand by collaboration itself. And I'm not sure on that one!) questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration? [an investment of time]
by Nicholas Bowskill
Is this a discussion about distance learning or campus based learning? Is this really a discussion of collaboration or tools? Are we talking about staff or student development? Where is that context? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration? [tool independent?]
by Paul Beaufait
What drove us to Google Docs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What kept us doing piece-meal mark-up in Docs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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