Showing 12 of 12 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Guiding the E-Researcher: January 18-29, 2010"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Ethical and Consent Issues
Discussion Questions
by Janet Salmons
What do you think? Where would you draw the line for required consent agreement? What about the gray areas-- where some restrictions prevent public viewing or posting? Do you think in those settings consent is more, or less, critical? As an educator who might review research proposals, what would you look for to demonstrate adequate respect for research ethics? As a researcher, how would you, or have you, wrestled with these decisions and distinctions? (There are additional ethical issues of sampling and identity...we'll talk about them in the next discussion thread!) questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Introduce yourself!
Introduce yourself!
by Janet Salmons
Why are you interested in synchronous online interviews? What are you most curious, concerned or intrigued about in regard to collecting data through online interviews? Have you ever conducted an online interview or participated in one? If you are designing or carrying out research, tell us about your area of research interest. What do you hope to learn in or gain from this seminar? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by Asako Yoshida
Off the top of my head, would online interview research useful if one wants to explore how people construct their Personal Learning Environment, for example? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are the key differences between in person versus online interviews? What are the advantages of online interview other than its convenience and broader geographical reach? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by Janet Salmons
Do you have any suggestions about ways researchers can communicate in order to "understand your customer(respondent) needs and wants first"? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by bronwyn hegarty
My interest in the importance of video in a synchronous online interview has increased since you explained some of the theoretical terms for body language. When I have been an interviewee in a face-to-face situation, I was unaware of the importance of this. I wonder is body language of particular importance in some types of research method compared to others. For example, ethnographic studies compared to a narrative approach? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Doctoral Research using SKYPE
by bronwyn hegarty
this is fascinating stuff Janet. Is this theory more applicable to particular types of research, for example, phenomenological or ethnographic studies? questions Hilda Anggraeni
How do researchers normally record this type of information while concentrating on the questions and responses? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by Jeffrey Keefer
Question about your interest in the interconnectedness between "learner, instruction and the technology." How are you using "instruction" in this context? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by Jeffrey Keefer
Question about your research design -- what is leading you to do a phenomenological study of this population? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Introduce yourself!
by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers
If I've only got so many questions to research in my life, what are the most important ones that I can tackle and how? What makes it worth my time beyond a dissertation or master's thesis work? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: What are “online interviews in real time” and why use them in research?
Re: What are “online interviews in real time” and why use them in research?
by Janet Salmons
I'd like to speak a bit more on the second part of this question: why use synchronous online interviews in research? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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