Showing 50 of 381 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Writing an e-book about e-books for fun and no profit: Feb 1-14, 2012
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Julia Hengstler resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Alice Macpherson
Have been reading all manner of books and really love Project Gutenberg resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Jaymie Koroluk resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Alannah Fitzgerald
TOETOE - Technology for Open English, Toying with Open E-resources resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Hilda Anggraeni
Resource: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: About writing in any medium
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
I love writing/creating. My favourites recently have been my wiki resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: The Book is Dead; Long Live the Book!
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
These article were posted today Temple U. Project Ditches Textbooks for Homemade Digital Alternatives Panel Ponders Future of Open-Education Resources resources Hilda Anggraeni
topical article from Washington State
by Don Beadle resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: The Book is Dead; Long Live the Book!
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
Another example posted today of converting book to online format "A classic medical text goes hi-tech, iPad style" resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: topical article from Washington State
by Don Beadle A link to Washington State College, and their open course library. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Software and distribution for e-books?
by B Ferrell resources Hilda Anggraeni
Accessibility Options for Ebooks/Readers
by B Ferrell
Available Daisy formatted books can be found here as well as other sites listed on the Daisy site. Bookshare offers them free for qualifying students. Bookshare Project Gutenberg L'Association pour le Bien des Aveugles et malvoyants in Switzerland Vision Austalia's Information Library Service in Australia CINB Digital Library in Canada National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) in the United States National Braille Press O'Reilly eBooks The ASB has some public domain books that you can download and use with a public reader resources Hilda Anggraeni


: A Framework for Academic Volunteers International: Dec 5-16, 2011
Re: How do we provide credit/recognition for vols?
by Wayne Mackintosh
Barnstar badges are quite popular in the Wikipedia community, but hasn't really taken off in the WikiEducator family. However, WikiEducator's Wikimaster typology -- a community based competency model where badges are displayed on user pages after demonstrating a particular level of competence. The model is scalable because WikiEducators with a higher level of competence can assess lower levels. The WikiEducator Ambassador idea has also attracted some interest, where some WikiEducators have listed their record of contrinutions. Which reminds me - -I will need to update my stuff ;-) resources Hilda Anggraeni
What combination of tools is going to attract vols?
by simon fenton-jones
We all have our favourite tools (applications if they are on a computer, services if they are on a network). To make a list of the basic ones in the wikieducator space; resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Wayne Mackintosh
We have also designed the Open Content Licesning for Educators workshop using high quality resources designed for independant study with microblogging as a mechanism for peer to peer learning support. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: User stories as parallel and ongoing activity for the live planning session
by Wayne Mackintosh
You will find more information on the user story page in WikiEducator. There are also a few examples being posted by SCoPE seminar participants. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Wayne Mackintosh
The idea behind game-based marketing is to engage individuals rather than being mere passive recipients of advertising or traditional loyalty based marketing. Game-based marketing levarages levels, badges, challenges and rewards. (See for example Game-Based Marketing: Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges and Contests.) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Wayne Mackintosh
Good thinking Kathleen. Organisations like ‘Golden Gurus’ ( would be an excellent point of contact. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: How do we provide credit/recognition for vols?
by simon fenton-jones
How do we encourage informal credentials to be accepted by institutions? It's an interest of many others inside institutions. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: User stories as parallel and ongoing activity for the live planning session
by Wayne Mackintosh
Feel free to distribute 5 Things you should know about the OER university network plan - It provides a succinct summary of the model (and is openly licensed ;-)) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Does anyone have knowledge or experience of the United Nations Volunteer programme
by Wayne Mackintosh
The Professional Education Organization International (PEOI) has similar objectives to the OERu. They're aiming to provide post-secondary education free of charge. They have completed 6 courses and many more are under development. The wikipedia page states "about 100 courses are in preparation and about 50 are proposed." The courses appear to be licensed under creative commons. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Clarify the role(s) of AVIs
by Wayne Mackintosh
I think to some extent we are alreadly modelling this approach for the design and implementation of the OERu, for example: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Clarify the role(s) of AVIs
by Christine Horgan
Just in case it's useful, here's a link to the Canadian Language Benchmarks Assessment resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Clarify the role(s) of AVIs - "OTHERS" ...
by Vasi Doncheva
Here is the link to the Do you know off..? forum resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by simon fenton-jones
This will give you an insight in their thinking. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Wrapping up discussion: Clarify the role(s) of AVIs
by Vasi Doncheva
Wayne has done a great job summarizing and transferring the inputs so far into Wikieducator AVI planning space. Here you will find the main definitions of the AVI roles that come out of our discussions so far. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Drafting the AVI proposal
by Vasi Doncheva
Let’s get started with some suggested headings and subheadings for the AVI framework proposal. Wayne has set up the space on wikieducator but if you feel more comfortable you can post them here. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Who are our potential AVIs, how can we attract them and reword them them?
by simon fenton-jones
I'll also mention this tool. It may be useful as it seems to be more intuitive than the approach of adding to a wiki (usually by the moderator). It's proved pretty successful (more people are attracted and used it) in the inquiries I've been involved in. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Wrapping up -- thanks to all volunteers!
by Wayne Mackintosh
We are hosting an open workshop on OERs, copyright and Creative Commons licesning for Educators from 23 - 27 January 2012. Please circulate information about this workshop through your networks. See: resources Hilda Anggraeni
The OERu founding anchor partners have nominated 12 possible coursesfor the 2012 prototypes. We are conducting an open consensus poll to help us decide on the best candidates for testing the OERu in 2012. You are most welcome to cast your votes. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Automating Instructional Design: June 6-24, 2011
Re: Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?
by Sylvia Currie
Curt Bonk and Ke Zhang launched the Empowering Online Learning book here in SCoPE. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Our text chat transcript
by Sylvia Currie
I'm posting our text chat transcript here resources Hilda Anggraeni
New Perspectives - Automating the wrong process?
by Bill Thimmesch
I saw this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education a few months ago and was intrigued...perhaps it applies to our discussion of how to use technology in instruction. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Where would you like us to go for Week #2?
by B Ferrell resources Hilda Anggraeni resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
by B Ferrell resources Hilda Anggraeni resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
by B Ferrell resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Blogging in Professional Networks: Nov 8-26, 2010
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
D'Arcy Norman has disabled commenting from his own edublog, for example. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith resources Hilda Anggraeni
Blogging to Enhance Learning seminar
by Sylvia Currie
Michael, what a coincidence! I was just looking back at the Blogging to Enhance Learning seminar you facilitated and came back here to post a link to it. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Jeffrey Keefer
I have blogged at some time at my blog Silence and Voice and find myself using Twitter on a more regular basis (I Tweet at Thus, I have my Tweets stream to my blog once a day to try to capture some of this information. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith
and a link to one of my recent success stories: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
But I have a personal blog, which I don't feel comfortable revealing to the open public at this point. It is embedded in a private sandbox within my literacy blog, at resources Hilda Anggraeni
(I have seen this done in personal blogs, though; for example, take a look at The Random Thoughts of Louis Schmeer). resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
What kind of coordinating activities do you engage in to manage your contributions across multiple learning networks? (Here is my response from my own blog). resources Hilda Anggraeni
Different levels of blogging
by Sylvia Currie
Kim posted an excerpt from Will Richardson’s Blogs, Wikis, Podcast and Other Powerful Web Tools for the Classroom on different levels of blogging: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Different levels of blogging
by Glenn Groulx
Background Reading: Berry-picking activities Take a look at these posts demonstrating berry-picking: exemplar one: link log exemplar two: significant learning exemplar three: Annotated Bookmark Summary resources Hilda Anggraeni
Week Two: Blogging to Expand Your Learning Network
by Glenn Groulx
Within ELGG, I use the wire feature frequently to announce shifts in my blogging activty, and announce new content published with the Academic Blogging Circle, a group I maintain to focus on academic blogging issues and strategies. resources Hilda Anggraeni
by Glenn Groulx
For more examples of voice-blogging, please visit: Talking About Blogging With Alan Levine Talking About Blogging With Darcy Norman resources Hilda Anggraeni
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