Showing 50 of 392 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Managing Multimembership in Social Networks: Oct 27-Nov 9, 2008
Re: Leaving our traces - farewell
by Sylvia Currie
Part of that debriefing will be about next steps. Is this a seminar topic we should revisit next year? What about a special interest group? Questions to ponder. questions 2013-07-22 11:14 Hilda Anggraeni


: Learning on the Edge: Exploring Our Boundaries: Nov 10-30, 2008
Re: Welcome to "Learning on the Edge"
by Sylvia Riessner
what is the etiquette around starting new threads. Do we post a request to you in the main conversation thread (this one?) to ask that we start a new discussion? Will you be posting about some of the 'boundaries' you explored at the conference? questions 2013-07-22 10:47 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: International dimensions in education
by Laura Proctor
Would it be true to say that to be relevant, educational content must often be locally-authored or at least locally-edited? Is empowering individuals to create their own content not essential to developing good, grounded education everywhere? questions 2013-07-22 10:46 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: International dimensions in education
by Sue Wolff
How could you find out? Are you in a position in your institution to approach someone and discuss this issue? If not you, who would be in the appropriate role? questions 2013-07-22 10:44 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: International dimensions in education
by Nancy Riffer
Is there a clash between the ownership that is paramount in the US and Canada and the possible communal ownership in his own country? Are we imposing standards by following our assumptions? questions 2013-07-22 10:44 Hilda Anggraeni
International dimensions in education
by Laura Proctor
Food: What are "appropriate" foods? Are deep-fried scorpions on your list of delicacies? What would you do if offered such a treat? Language: How do you cope when you do not share a language with the people you are interacting with? Do translators do the whole job? What are the challenges to working in a foreign language? Time: Is 9 to 5 the only standard for the work day? What does it mean to be "on time"? questions 2013-07-22 10:42 Hilda Anggraeni
Content on private services
by Sylvia Currie
What to do? What criteria do we use to decide if a service is reliable? questions 2013-07-22 10:41 Hilda Anggraeni
ETUG Fall workshop reflections - In the clouds
by Laura Proctor
Are these applications and services new to you? How do they or might they expand your boundaries? What possibilities do they offer you or your students to "Learn on the Edge"? questions 2013-07-22 10:39 Hilda Anggraeni
"Boundaries" and "barriers"
by Laura Proctor
Using the word "barrier" seems to shift my focus to externally imposed obstacles whereas using the word "boundary" focuses more on limitations imposed from within. Is this a contrast you share? Do you think it is useful in this discussion of "learning on the edge"? questions 2013-07-22 10:35 Hilda Anggraeni
What do we mean by "boundaries"? and is that different than what we mean by "barriers"? questions 2013-07-22 10:35 Hilda Anggraeni


: Re-Thinking E-Learning Research: November 9-27, 2009
Re: Critical Theory; an Introduction
by Jeffrey Keefer
Can you perhaps offer some suggestions for further reading and research in this area, especial for those of us within an eLearning framework? questions 2013-07-19 15:03 Hilda Anggraeni


: Open Educational Resources: January 19 - February 8, 2009
Re: What does 'Open' mean to you?
by Scott Leslie
Should this matter? Does it matter to you? To what extent were these maybe not full open? Is this maybe a case where they were open on a some of the axis that Paul points to (social, legally) but not technologically? Are there more subtle ways in which we can understand technological openness? questions 2013-07-19 13:10 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What does 'Open' mean to you?
by Paul Stacey
Why are there no OER initiatives that start with the premise that there are lots of existing high quality OER out there, so lets just find the best resources and modify/adapt them for our own academic use? Is it because all faculty believe they have a unique understanding of their domain and want to create courses that reflect that uniqueness? I wonder if the OER movement will ever evolve to a mode of development where OER are collaboratively developed right from the onset by faculty across multiple institutions? Will OER initiatives eventually generate communities of academic peers who share a common academic domain and agree to collaborate on it together over time (like open source software)? questions 2013-07-19 13:09 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What does 'Open' mean to you?
by Scott Leslie
Clearly, "freedoms" are core to the idea of "openness" - but which one? Is it important to you that you be able to re-sell a derivative work that may have included someone else's seed content? How about not having to share your derived work with others? Is that important? questions 2013-07-19 13:07 Hilda Anggraeni
What does 'Open' mean to you?
by Scott Leslie
Is it ok if a work does not allow you to create derivatives? Even if you don't want to change the work, what might some of the issues be with using a work that doesn't allow derivatives? questions 2013-07-19 13:07 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 2 - 'Creating OERs' - so...why?
by bronwyn hegarty
I wonder, how do people believe they can convince their colleagues to make a switch to creating open resources and what sort of issues do they see with managers in their organisations? questions 2013-07-19 12:58 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 2 - 'Creating OERs' - so...why?
by Gina Bennett
Sometimes these have to be paid & paid again for every single student who uses them, every single time they are used. Doesn't this seem a little crazy to you? Wouldn't it be FAR more efficient, making better use of taxpayers' money, if we were legally allowed & institutionally encouraged to build on existing resources, using our precious time to update, contextualize, & even translate if necessary questions 2013-07-19 12:57 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 2 - 'Creating OERs' - so...why?
by Gerry Paille
I am also wondering if these times of economic restraint might be a deterrent to open and freely available content? What are people seeing happening to their budgets for creating and revising materials/courses? questions 2013-07-19 12:57 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 2 - 'Creating OERs' - so...why?
by Gina Bennett
Another reason for those of us in the public education system is 'accountability'. In most cases, we get paid with public funds to develop educational materials. Shouldn't the public then benefit from these materials? If we are sharing them with our fellow provincial citizens, why not share them more widely? Honestly: do we really believe that by locking our educational resources within the province (as if this could be done), that we will increase our competitive advantage? questions 2013-07-19 12:54 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: How do you currently find OER?
by Barbara Dieu
Are OER a way to make less expensive content to serve those who can add value or status to it to repurpose it more easily for mass production and sell it without guilt or legal annoyance? Is charity a cooler way of branding and marketing? Is it a way to exerce cultural control on those who use them (banking education?) Is it the latest trend for those who are after a grant? All reasons above, none of them, some of them, irrelevant, a win-win situation or not appropriate ? questions 2013-07-19 12:52 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: How do you currently find OER?
by Scott Leslie
What do I do with all of these things that are sent my way, that I find based on my requests...ahh, I'll leave that for another post. For now, I still would love to hear how other people go about this. Do you use OER-sepcifc collection sites like Merlot or OER Commons? Custom search engines? Your library's site? Don't know where to look? Let us know! questions 2013-07-19 12:49 Hilda Anggraeni
How do you currently find OER?
by Scott Leslie
Or, if you don't know where to find them, why not ask others about something specific you are looking for. Have a particular topic you teach and want to know where to look for additional resources? Let us know and maybe someone can help. questions 2013-07-19 12:48 Hilda Anggraeni
How do you currently find OER? Where do you go to find them? Got a favourite site? Favourite search engine? Share it here! questions 2013-07-19 12:48 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: How do you create OERs? Finding the balance
by Gina Bennett
How can we get used to teaching in the open? questions 2013-07-19 12:47 Hilda Anggraeni
New to this topic? What are your questions?
by Scott Leslie
Are you new to OER? What was your first thoughts when you saw the seminar description? Is this what you were expecting? Has this discussion been useful to you? Are there questions you have that you are not seeing addressed? questions 2013-07-19 12:43 Hilda Anggraeni
Another view
by Valerie Taylor
How big is the biggest personal network you are prepared or able to manage? Are you missing some of the good stuff, because your personal network does extend wide enough or deep enough? questions 2013-07-19 12:41 Hilda Anggraeni
Other rating systems
by Valerie Taylor
Is there any evidence that there is support for this? Are there any actual implementations? questions 2013-07-19 12:41 Hilda Anggraeni
More open textbooks
by Valerie Taylor
Is there anything available now or in discussion that addresses this vetting, credibility-bestowing? What would your institution and/or your colleagues need to replace the publishers' selection, review and commitment as evidenced by the $100,000s publishing, marketing and distribution costs? questions 2013-07-19 12:40 Hilda Anggraeni
What happens to this accepted foundation if you don't have textbooks prepared, published and distributed through that system? questions 2013-07-19 12:40 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: who is taking leadership with OER?
by Scott Leslie
What about others - is anyone else having luck in their country getting publications funded by taxpayer dollars either put into the public domain or published under 'open' licenses? questions 2013-07-19 12:36 Hilda Anggraeni
Week 3 - Making OER Less Instructor-Centric
by Scott Leslie
To what extent do you see this as a problem? Are there ways in which instructor-led materials can be repurposed to work better for self-directed learners, or is itself simply carrying on a 'banking' model of education? questions 2013-07-19 12:35 Hilda Anggraeni
Open Source Assessment
by rachel sale
Hello, I received a request today to formulate a unit for student teachers using open source assessment tools. The ultimate results should result in data to show individual and class progress. Anyone have any favorite options? questions 2013-07-19 12:12 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Using Other People's Work
by Barbara Dieu
Would this mean that we are not allowed to use a photo in a ppt presentation with a different title? What do the words "remix"and "tweak" entail exactly? Any concrete examples? Where do we draw the line? questions 2013-07-19 12:09 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Using Other People's Work
by Gerry Paille
If I use a CC share alike image from Flickr, does that mean my course must be licensed as such as well? That wouldn't bother me a bit, but I can see it being a deterrent. questions 2013-07-19 12:09 Hilda Anggraeni
Using Other People's Work
by Scott Leslie
Or do I have this completely wrong; are OERs getting remixed and revised everywhere? Point out your favourite examples to help inspire others. questions 2013-07-19 12:08 Hilda Anggraeni
Have you remixed or revised someone else's materials? What was the experience like? Are there things that made it easier, or things you'd recommend others to consider to do to facilitate this for others? questions 2013-07-19 12:08 Hilda Anggraeni
What is stopping you from re-mixing an existing OER for your own uses? questions 2013-07-19 12:08 Hilda Anggraeni
Look around, and the larger media zeitgeist seems to be one of remix and mashups, yet it is not clear that the same can be said of Open Educational Resources - it is hard to find a lot of good examples of educational remizes. Why? questions 2013-07-19 12:08 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 3 - Making OER Less Content-Centric
by Paul Stacey
Who knew that that clunky looking OER was a wonder when students and faculty revved it up and took it out for spin? Who knew that the slick looking OER beside it looked good but didn't perform well? And isn't it amazing how a really good driver (and interesting passengers) can get the most out of an old vehicle and make that journey a joy? questions 2013-07-19 12:05 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 3 - Making OER Less Content-Centric
by Roger Powley
How much time and effort does it take to create a course using OERs? Is it more or less than creating a course from scratch? 2. What is the quality of the OER supported course? 3. What is the impact on and reaction of the faculty and other staff involved in the design and delivery of OER supported courseware? 4. What resources exist to support large scale OER development and sharing? 5. What is the impact on the pedagogy of a course and on the learners when a institution creates a course using multiple OERs from different sources? 6. What is the impact of the Creative Commons licence and other copyright laws on the use of OERs in the developing world? questions 2013-07-19 12:02 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 3 - Making OER Less Content-Centric
by Nicola Avery
Maybe that would add a more dynamic dimension with less need to perhaps repurpose something ? questions 2013-07-19 12:00 Hilda Anggraeni
Week 3 - Making OER Less Content-Centric
by Scott Leslie
Do you think this is true? If it is true, is it a problem? If it's a problem, what can we do differently? How might we change our educational practices themselves to become more open, or position educational resources to facilitate more learner to learner interaction? questions 2013-07-19 12:00 Hilda Anggraeni
Week 3 - Imagining the Future of OER
by Scott Leslie
What opportunities would you like to see for independant learners in the developing world, in 5 years? in 10 years? For instructors at institutions in the developing world? questions 2013-07-19 11:53 Hilda Anggraeni
What is your ideal future for OER?" To get more specific, what would you like to see happening at your institution with OER in 5 years? In 10 years? questions 2013-07-19 11:53 Hilda Anggraeni


: Developing a National Framework of Teaching Expectations: March 2-22, 2009
Seminar Structure
by Gary Hunt
What are the personnel and financial resources required to develop, implement, and maintain a national system? What are examples of appropriate national bodies that have the ability to oversee and run a national initiative? questions 2013-07-19 11:01 Hilda Anggraeni
What are the critical components of a training programme? Should the framework be different for training graduate students compared to junior faculty or professional development for senior faculty? What can other countries take from the UK experience? questions 2013-07-19 11:00 Hilda Anggraeni
What benefits do national systems have that are not possible with regional or institutional systems? How much of a benefit is portability of a credential? Is the quality of teacher training better under a national framework compared to that in separate institutions? questions 2013-07-19 11:00 Hilda Anggraeni
Topic 3: Required resources to develop, implement, and maintain a national system
by Gary Hunt
What are the personnel and financial resources required to develop, implement, and maintain a national system? What are examples of appropriate national bodies that have the ability to oversee and run a national initiative? questions 2013-07-19 11:00 Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What defines competency in a profession?
by Colby Stuart
Are we looking at performance from a credential perspective or from a learning perspective? One is focused on teachers - the other on students. questions 2013-07-19 10:58 Hilda Anggraeni
Do we consider government officials professional - or does their performance demonstrate that they are incompetent bureaucrats? Isn't it government officials who determine what needs credentials? questions 2013-07-19 10:58 Hilda Anggraeni
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