Showing 26 of 26 annotations by anyone in FLO MicroCourse: Write a compelling discussion prompt:


: Sharing & Feedback
Re: Think about presentations you’ve seen…
by Karen Liska
courses Yes - I've tried doing the "good ones" many times, but I think it can really seem like a lot to live up to! With the bad ones, there is nowhere to go but up! 2019-02-24 20:53 Colleen Grandy
Re: Discussion/reflection prompt
by Leonne Beebe
micro-FLO Really good idea! 2019-02-24 3:18 Beth Cougler Blom
Re: Discussion prompt: Leonne Beebe
by Leonne Beebe
I plan to use this discussion prompt with my Fundamental English 063 students for the next set of classes starting in March Good luck Leonne! 2019-02-24 3:17 Beth Cougler Blom
Re: Job hunting ain't easy
by Junko Leclair
love the passage you share :-) 2019-02-24 3:08 Beth Cougler Blom
Re: Discussion/reflection prompt
by Leonne Beebe
seed being planted for a micro-FLO on metacognition and course design Good one! Noted! 2019-02-22 15:48 Sylvia Currie
Discussion prompt: Leonne Beebe
by Leonne Beebe
beginning of the term This is a good reminder that where the discussion falls in the course makes a big difference! 2019-02-22 13:44 Sylvia Currie
Re: What does support look like?
by Gina Bennett
you've done a great job with this It's one of those nothing more to add situations! 2019-02-22 13:40 Sylvia Currie
Re: What does support look like?
by Faith Whiting
I'm new at teaching online and I'm feeling thankful for this opportunity to put stuff out there to hear from others! Nice statement about value 2019-02-22 13:39 Sylvia Currie
Re: Plants vs. Fats - which diet do you choose?
by Jeff Brandt
delicious Jeff you work in a great subject area to make a "delicious" prompt - nice pun! 2019-02-22 10:59 Beth Cougler Blom
Job hunting ain't easy
by Junko Leclair
If there is not even a smidgen of fear within you right now, what would you do in your internship job-hunt, and what position would you like to land that is within your reach and can provide you with meaningful work experience and skills? Describe what skills/experience you will gain from this. What particular fear/circumstances (or any other obstacles) are stopping you from doing what you described in #1? Comment on someone else’s post by providing pointers: what resources, support, learning or experience would they benefit from in achieving his/her goal? How could you contribute to supporting him/her?   2019-02-22 7:40 Jeff Brandt
Re: Think about presentations you’ve seen…
by Karen Liska
bad ones My first experience with this approach was in the 90s using a website called Web Pages That Suck. It was a hoot! 2019-02-22 6:12 Sylvia Currie
Job hunting ain't easy
by Junko Leclair
remove our friend, the jumbo emoticon haha! 2019-02-22 6:07 Sylvia Currie
Re: Are you for this or that?
by Gina Bennett
Maybe a chef & sous-chef each defending their choice of dessert for a really important dinner? I used to watch Iron Chef years ago. Is it still on? I wonder if, Jeff, you could riff your discussion prompt off of current food/chef-related TV shows for a bit of a challenge... 2019-02-22 4:22 Beth Cougler Blom
Re: Oral presentation style: Who inspires you?
by Melissa A.
someone who they have enjoyed listening to/watching present You could also approach it from the other direction, "Give an example of a time when you've seen an absolutely awkward presentation. What did it look like?" (No need to name names!) 2019-02-22 4:14 Beth Cougler Blom
Job hunting ain't easy
by Junko Leclair
smidgen of fear Great phrase to perk people up! Like it. 2019-02-22 4:07 Beth Cougler Blom
Re: Here's a question to get your creative juices flowing...
by Gina Bennett
Be boring! Be verbose! Beth: Good one Gina, I can see how our invitation to you to be creative sort of goes against the content of what we were asking you to come up with! What a mindbender! 2019-02-21 7:53 Beth Cougler Blom
Be boring! Be verbose! Oh gosh, yes! Thank you! 2019-02-20 20:19 Sylvia Currie
Think about presentations you’ve seen…
by Colleen Grandy
then it just sat there Possibly asking them to name one thing they liked about the presentation that they posted? This could be the start of a group list of useful elements to consider for their own presentations. - AliceMac 2019-02-20 17:31 Alice Macpherson
Discussion prompt: Leonne Beebe
by Leonne Beebe
Confused? Be sure to ask for help. I like this! Will you supply info on who/where to ask? - AliceMac 2019-02-20 17:22 Alice Macpherson
What does support look like?
by Faith Whiting
some of the few key ways perhaps, "some key ways" or "a few key ways" - AliceMac (also my first annotation) 2019-02-20 17:16 Alice Macpherson
Re: How Do You Learn Best?
by Alice Macpherson
Great idea for another prompt on narrowing lists Beth: You could look up Min Specs from Liberating Structures which is all about narrowing an initial list. 2019-02-20 16:15 Beth Cougler Blom
How Do You Learn Best?
by Alice Macpherson
thumbnail Beth: "Thumbnail" makes me think first off about "a thumbnail photo". You might want to say "thumbnail sketch" to be more clear it's in words? It might be just me that had that initial difficulty... 2019-02-20 16:14 Beth Cougler Blom
Find Your Inner Project Manager
by Susan Glynn-Morris
planning a birthday party or family supper Beth: Yes! I can't help but suggest a course resource for you called The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker. 2019-02-20 16:09 Beth Cougler Blom
Think about presentations you’ve seen…
by Colleen Grandy
generated list and have (maybe another?) discussion about strategies Beth: Yes! Look at the three parts to TRIZ, it should help you go exactly in that direction. 2019-02-20 16:06 Beth Cougler Blom
Find Your Inner Project Manager
by Susan Glynn-Morris
Write a post briefly describing your project I feel like posting a photo of the event could also be an option here. Perhaps an engaging way to initiate the discussion. 2019-02-20 14:56 Hillarie Zimmermann


: Announcements
Day 2: The creation phase begins...
by Beth Cougler Blom
additional questions in and around the making of discussion prompts Beth: Such as, why do some instructors ask us to discuss things as participants and then give us no evidence that they are reading our posts? Hmm... 2019-02-19 7:33 Beth Cougler Blom
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