Showing 50 of 104 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone of work by Sylvia Currieanyone in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Writing an e-book about e-books for fun and no profit: Feb 1-14, 2012
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Sylvia Currie
and I can often remember where I read something just by the placement on the bookshelf and the cover. book vs eBook Hilda Anggraeni
That issue aside, I absolutely love reading on my iPad, and while I don\'t necessarily read more, I do read at different times and locations than I did before. I like that I can put my feet up while reading the PDF that was just sent to me by email. And, like Clint, I read more in bed. I think one reason is the backlight, and a design flaw in my bedroom; I have to get out of bed to turn off the reading light. Now I can just touch the iPad off button and roll over. :-) why we love eBook Hilda Anggraeni


: Automating Instructional Design: June 6-24, 2011
Re: Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?
by Sylvia Currie
Curt Bonk and Ke Zhang launched the Empowering Online Learning book here in SCoPE. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Our text chat transcript
by Sylvia Currie
I'm posting our text chat transcript here resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
by Sylvia Currie
In the context of "automating" these processes (guiding might be the right word here) are there decision-making tools that can help us? I think of useful resources like the Digital Habitats "action notebook" for community stewards, a series of checklists and questions that guide you through the decision process for community stewards. What exists for instructional designers when selecting facilitation tools? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Blogging in Professional Networks: Nov 8-26, 2010
Blogging to Enhance Learning seminar
by Sylvia Currie
Michael, what a coincidence! I was just looking back at the Blogging to Enhance Learning seminar you facilitated and came back here to post a link to it. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Different levels of blogging
by Sylvia Currie
Kim posted an excerpt from Will Richardson’s Blogs, Wikis, Podcast and Other Powerful Web Tools for the Classroom on different levels of blogging: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Another way to look at different levels of blogging is to think about your audience. Who are you writing for and what do you expect from your readers? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Forum Discussion Activity: SCoPE Interview
by Sylvia Currie
Glenn of course can talk about what he used for this interview, but what are some other useful tools and techniques for integrating audio into blogs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Blogging Circle for SCoPE?
by Sylvia Currie
What would this look like? What are the logistics of setting this up? resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Campus-Based Educational Development: May 15-31, 2012
Week 1: Educational Development Models and Dimensions
by Sylvia Currie
What does educational development mean to you? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Cases in Online Interview Research: Feb 20 - Mar 3, 2012
Links to the chapters
by Sylvia Currie
This is the link Janet posted: Here's a link ro the chapters that are available for download: resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Collaborative Projects on WikiEducator: August 10-28, 2009
Larger scale collaborative projects
by Sylvia Currie
What are the reasons for collaborating? Naturally when you enter into a project you (and people you represent) are thinking about what you will gain from the experience -- short and long term. Does this there need to be some sort of balance in this give and take? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are the key questions we need to ask at the beginning? What are the various dimensions we need to consider in collaborative projects that involve multiple players and layers? questions Hilda Anggraeni
WikiEducator Workshop
by Sylvia Currie resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Culturally Diverse Learners: April 12 - 30, 2010
Video: Plagiarism
by Sylvia Currie
The Plagiarism video focuses on examining and explaining the rules of Canadian academic culture. Here are the accompanying resources for this video. A number of questions came up in our web conference on April 12th. I'll post them in a separate message resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Video: Plagiarism -- our questions
by Sylvia Currie
So many excellent questions emerged during our April 12 web conference. Plagiarism obviously continues to be a hot topic, but bringing in this cultural perspective certainly raised some new questions for us. I thought I should bring some of our questions forward here. Anything you'd like to pick up on? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Welcome to Culturally Diverse Learners Film Project
by Sylvia Currie
There's also a number of "extra" videos available for viewing. I really enjoyed the bloopers! resources Hilda Anggraeni
Video: The Wave
by Sylvia Currie
This video looks at managing student questions and evaluating comprehension during class. Here are some resources associated with that video. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Video: Office Hours
by Sylvia Currie
Contrastive rhetoric Intercultural sensitivity and communication resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Video: Plagiarism -- our questions
by Sylvia Currie
Yes, those student pieces are interesting! All of the links to videos/resources are listed here. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: April 26 Live Session
by Sylvia Currie
We had a fun, interactive web conference yesterday. Lots to explore and think about! I mean, what colour ARE the stripes on a zebra? And why are we so quick to interpret and evaluate what we see? If you missed or would like to revisit the session here are the links to the Elluminate recording and text chat transcript. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Developing a National Framework of Teaching Expectations: March 2-22, 2009
Elluminate recording from our kick off session
by Sylvia Currie
Here is the link to the recording. I also added the transcript from our text chat as a separate page on our wiki. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Digital Identity: December 1-18, 2009
Patriot Act
by Sylvia Currie
Is it becoming more difficult to stay within geographical boundaries on the Internet? I mean, technically, is it even possible (imagining all those little packets zipping around the globe)? Are there some good summaries of how educational institutions have responded? And curious...Is Patriot Act mostly something Canadians are concerned with, or is it an international issue? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Educational Uses of iPads: October 18-29, 2010
Re: Live session: October 20: recording
by Sylvia Currie
Here is the recording for today's live session. Thank you Brent and Gina, and to everyone who participated! resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Live session: October 20: text chat transcript
by Sylvia Currie
As promised, here is the text chat transcript from our October 20 session. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Adobe Idea Apple Facetime Sketchbook for iPads Noteshelf Dropbox Evernote GoodReader Instapaper resources Hilda Anggraeni
Kathreen Riel's student's reflection on use of iPads resources Hilda Anggraeni
But what about the price? Can all of our students afford an iPad? Will attendance improve with iPads? I wonder if there's been research in that area? How is the experience of reading on an iPad? What will html5 do to adobe (flash)? I wonder about "monopolies" in the future -- consistency and access versus collaboration and cooperation without monopoly questions Hilda Anggraeni
A quick poll
by Sylvia Currie
This is something I was wondering about today, so I thought I'd create a quick poll. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: ePortfolios: May 31-June 13, 2010
Gathering seminar highlights and resources
by Sylvia Currie
Also, during our Collaborating Online seminar we started a SCoPE Diigo group as a way to bookmark our resources related to seminar discussions. If you tag your resources 'eporfolios' for this seminar we can gather them here: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Thank you!
by Sylvia Currie
We've been gradually pulling tidbits into the ePortfolio seminar wiki, and bookmarking in our SCoPE Diigo group (tag: 'eportfolios', or as Paul said...why the 'e'? so we've been using 'portfolios' too ) We can continue to build that wiki together. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Evaluation Practices for Informal/Self-Paced Adult Learning: April 13-May 1, 2009
Recording + text chat: Webinar on Friday, April 24
by Sylvia Currie
Here is the recording. I'm also copying the text chat here so it's right here in front of us and because we MUST continue this dialogue. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Guiding the E-Researcher: January 18-29, 2010
Live Session: Vidyo for online interviews
by Sylvia Currie
The second live session we are scheduling next week to demonstrate and discuss some ways to use online tools for online interviews is using Vidyo. Based on the Using Vidyo for Online Interviews Doodle poll results, there are a couple times that work well for 11 of the 12 people who voted. The kind folks at Vidyo have offered to host 2 sessions to accommodate as many people as possible. Both will be recorded. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Recording: Using Multi-Channel Meeting Spaces for Online Interviews
by Sylvia Currie
(MP3 11 MB) as well, and the text chat transcript (RTF 16 KB) resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Humanizing the Online Experience 2: Sept 13-30, 2010
Re: September 20 Video Conference: Flashmeeting
by Sylvia Currie
Thanks to Emma Duke-Williams we have access to a Flashmeeting room this tomorrow's live session. Flashmeeting was developed by the Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, and is touted as the "lightest possible video-conferencing software application". resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: September 20 Video Conference
by Sylvia Currie
The session was recorded, but just a warning, we opened the room 60 minutes early so expect a lot of blank space and general monkeying around. Also I notice in the recording you can only see the person speaking and not all participants. Anyway, it's kind of you-had-to-be-there experience! resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: September 27 Video Conference
by Sylvia Currie
Great video conference today! We reviewed and critiqued each video and Jesai coached us to improve our presentation style. Here is the recording. This time we filled up the time a little better -- less "can you hear me now" and more "how will you use this technology". resources Hilda Anggraeni
Caterina also posted an example of an audio lesson intro last week using Jing. I love the image she used so I grabbed it to share here. :-) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: September 27 Video Conference
by Sylvia Currie
On the other hand, if I were being interviewed that would be a very different experience. For one, I'd be less aware of the camera. Is it because I'm speaking to someone in particular? Because it's more conversational/ less planned and rehearsed? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Humanizing the Online Experience: May 25-June 7, 2009
Sylvia's video
by Sylvia Currie
I think if I just said "ummm" a few more times this video would be perfect! LOL videos Hilda Anggraeni
Live session recording + transcript. Reflections?
by Sylvia Currie
Here is the long awaited () recording for our live session held on Monday, May 26th. resources Hilda Anggraeni
semi lurkers are welcome here gem Hilda Anggraeni
Tools for creating and editing videos
by Sylvia Currie
But as Nellie pointed out it's not available for Windows. I believe Movie Maker would do the trick. Anyone know? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are some other tools for creating and editing videos? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Live session recording + transcript. Reflections?
by Sylvia Currie
What about the format of the session? How did you feel about the absence of slides? posting content to view after the session rather than during the session? encouraging participants to use their voices? seeing faces and not just text? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Live session Tuesday: text transcript
by Sylvia Currie
Here's the text transcript for today's session. I'll post the recording asap. resources Hilda Anggraeni
holding the shift key down when re-sizing will keep the proportions on images (though I like the skinny me! gem Hilda Anggraeni
Emmadw: Besides, I'm jealous of her ability to organise papers, not a mound in the corner... gem Hilda Anggraeni
GinaB-COTR: i didn't know they COULD be organized gem Hilda Anggraeni
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