Showing 10 of 10 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in discussion "What do you want to know about digital badges?"forum "Digital Badges - Dec 1-15, 2012":


: What do you want to know about digital badges?
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Vance Stevens resources Hilda Anggraeni
Another project you might look into is the Mozilla Open Badge project. One place to go for more information is Doug Belshaw's blog I became aware for Doug's work listening to this podcast series on badges resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Julia Hengstler
I found and am thinking of using it with a post-grad social media course. I need to define the compentency groupings==>badges and the sub-competencies==>descriptions. It looks like it runs very slickly. One of my twitter followers used it and said her K12 students loved it--found it very motivating. I'm trying to track her down in my tweets--so far no luck but have put out a twitter call. (Tried a bunch of archiving & searches to no avail.) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Peter Rawsthorne
I am aware of badgestack and have spent some time poking around within it. There is also a good challenge up on P2PU that also mentions badgestack and some participats have used it in their final projects; resources Hilda Anggraeni
I believe that Alex Halavais has a great presentation that speaks to this thinking... and at later stages of the presentation looks at how chunky [thin (or thick)] a badge should be and the impacts of this chunkiness... I also see us discussing this during this two week seminar series... resources Hilda Anggraeni
Yes, Doug Belshaw is doing great work!!!! I was also on the panel (and the previous panel) you refer to with teachersteachingteachers. These two series were very good and exposed me to many great thinkers in this area; resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Juanita Foster-Jones
A serendipitous discovery via Josie Fraser on Twitter - a blog post on Open Badges with an example of how they are being applied : resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Zack Lee
Here's a good blog post by Doug Belshaw with a fictional example of how a badge implementation might work: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Bronwyn Stuckey
We have been dealing with a lot of tensions in this design. See attached PDF file of a very recent presentation I gave the the Games for Change Summit here in Australia. I do have to say I am having a blast with this convergence of my two greatest academic loves/areas of research - games and communities of practice. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Dr. Nellie Deutsch
Jeffrey, You may find Passport by Purdue of interest. resources Hilda Anggraeni
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