Showing 3 of 3 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in discussion "Using Other People's Work"forum "Open Educational Resources: January 19 - February 8, 2009":


: Using Other People's Work
Re: Using Other People's Work
by Barbara Dieu
My students and I have used Flickr CC + quotations on the net to compose environmental posters, presentations, a collection of resources from other sites in an instructional sequence, the headers of a website. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Using Other People's Work
by Scott Leslie
This has not totally restored my faith that given access, people *will* remix content, but thought I must point out, an example of a large number of 'student' remixes (I put that in quotes because it appears as though the students were all themselves instructors as well) that surfaced on Jared Stein's highly recommended blog. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Using Other People's Work
by Roger Powley
Barbara: Take a look at this link It provides a legal interpretation of the different licence conditions. resources Hilda Anggraeni
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