Showing 3 of 3 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone of work by Scott Leslieanyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in discussion "Welcome and Introductions"forum "Open Educational Resources: January 19 - February 8, 2009":


: Welcome and Introductions
Re: Welcome and Introductions
by Scott Leslie
Probably by far the most popular item I ever posted to my blog was a 'Matrix of Blog Uses in Higher Education' that I developed while facilitating a session quite like this one in 2003. resources Hilda Anggraeni
But the biggest pleasure I took was when someone (who did contact me, after the fact) with skills much greater than my own took the matrix and totally transformed it. Tony Lowe, from a UK-based Academic spin-off called Webducate, wrote me to tell me he had created a Flash-based version of the matrix. You can see by my write up that I was over the moon, that I now had a visually appealing and dynamic version of this static diagram I had originally sketched up in a Word document! For free! resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Welcome and Introductions
by Scott Leslie
If you are interested in science videos, in addition to all the great stuff you can find in Youtube itself you may be interested in other sites like,,, and that aggregate a lot of the good science content or provide an even better way to search for it. (Edited by Sylvia Currie - original submission Monday, 19 January 2009, 02:28 PM Created hyperlinks for the URLs Scott provided) resources Hilda Anggraeni
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