Showing 23 of 23 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "OER university: Feb 16-Mar 2, 2011"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Checking in
Checking in
by Dr. Nellie Deutsch
I am a bit confused about the term OER University after listening to Wayne's conversation with Steve. Is the idea to have an environment for free OERs since the OER Veristy will not be giving degrees. So, how is it different from WikiEducator or Wikiversity? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Checking in
by Wayne Mackintosh
there are many Professors who utilise materials hosted on the open web in their teaching. Learners without question ;-). That said, OER is far from being mainstream in our education systems. For example, how many post-secondary teaching institutions have intellectual property policies which default to open content licenses? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Checking in
by Hemlata chari
How to develop the course materials for learners globally? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Student Support
by Joseph Thibault
I think student support is integral to student success. But why not let the institution conferring credit to the students taking OER courses provide it? Or let it be up to the student to procure (there are lots of tutoring sources available on the web). questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Children working at the college level
Children working at the college level
by Maria Droujkova
How will OER university accommodate children? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Children and young teens, and moreover most motivated and successful learners among them, are very poorly served by the existing college education system. Can OER university help? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Credit and degrees
Credit and degrees
by Eugene Rubin
With this in mind, I bring up a news report that Wayne recently posted on Facebook from Australia: "University of Southern Queensland plan for free online university: The University of Southern Queensland is leading a charge to establish an open source online university for all-comers, no matter where in the world they reside. This sounded great, until one got to the end of the article, where it was stated: "However, USQ would anticipate putting up just 1 per cent of its courses for fear of cannibalisation of its educational resources by freeloaders." Huh???? Isn't that the point of OER --- OPEN????? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Do we really believe that some nefarious university (or diploma mill) will steal our materials (or our professor's syllabi and words) and earn money at our expense? Or is this still the lawyers running our universities? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Credit and degrees
by Wayne Mackintosh
Within an open ecosystem as courses are donated or developed, pretty soon we have full degrees. If every institution were to commit one paper / course and we remix available OERs -- how long will it take to implement the first degree for the OER university concept? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Credit and degrees
by Eric Kluijfhout
What I have seen from the OER university's conceptual model in another discussion here, is that costs may be reduced substantially by involving volunteers - for OER development/aggregation as well as learner support services. This to me means that in terms of Osterwalder's model the key component of an OER University business model need not be the 'cost structure', but foremost the 'key resources' in terms of human capital it will be able to commit to its cause. This to me poses the real challenge. questions Hilda Anggraeni


: OER University Logic Model
OER University Logic Model
by Paul Stacey
Should the OER University be an actual entity/institution or is it better for it to simply be a framework or designation that institutions can adopt should they choose to participate? Do students formulate their own learning pathway based on available OER or do institutions identify a curriculum of OER and formulate credentials they are willing to provide for completion of that curriculum? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Wayne Mackintosh
What mechanisms or processes should the OER university use for articulation of course credits? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Eric Kluijfhout
From the perspective of the awarding institution, I think it will all depend on the business model: what will it costs the institution, and what will they gain from it (be it financial or otherwise)? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Wayne Mackintosh
Institutions like ESC are well prepared to respond to PLA needs from OER learners. Therefore from an OER university perspective -- We need to look and see if there are ways to use OER models to enhance the efficiency and reduce costs of PLA for participating institutions. What mechanisms and processes can the OER university implement for pre-evaluated courses within a broader curriculum framework. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Bernard Nkuyubwatsi
Who will be awarding the degree certificate? The local participating higher learning institutions? In the last year OERs discussion, it was voiced that many institutions are reluctant to use OERs because they have doubt of the quality of learning materials? How can the delay of accessibility of learning materials to learners in need caused by the lack of local participating institutions be dealt with? questions Hilda Anggraeni
To what extent is OERs really going to contribute to the decrease of tuition fee to make education more affordable, especially in the developing world? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: OERU Next Steps
OERU Next Steps
by Paul Stacey
The OERU is off to a great start. What follow-on seminars or events should be scheduled and planned for to keep the momentum going? What other organizations need to be involved? Who are the key people that need to be at the table contributing to making the OERU a reality? What can we set as the next date/event for the OERU? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Volunteers and opportunities
by Valerie Taylor
As a volunteer, what would you like to be doing? What structure, training and organization do your need to be able to participate? Can you help define any of these to help others work productively? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: SCoPE Summary Input to Today's OERU New Zealand Meeting
Re: SCoPE Summary Input to Today's OERU New Zealand Meeting
by Robert Schuwer
The challenge is to develop business models taking into account the possibilities and limitations for each context that can be distinguished. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: SCoPE Summary Input to Today's OERU New Zealand Meeting
by Richard Schwier
Given the supermarket and other similar threads of conversation here, I think we are seeing a very real tension that naturally accompanies OER ideas like this. How tied to traditional institutions and traditional notions of funding, developing, delivering, and assessing courses should we be? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Take the OER Challenge!
Take the OER Challenge!
by Paul Stacey
These can be formal or informal. You can find and pursue learning objectives that are part of formal academic offering. You can identify informal personal learning objectives that are an area of interest you'd like to know more about or skill you'd like to acquire. Reply to this OER Challenge post with your objectives in point form questions Hilda Anggraeni
Pair the OER you find with the learning objectives you identified in step 1. Try and find OER that not only includes content relevant to your learning objectives but learning activities too. Reply to your Step 1 OER challenge post with a follow-on posts or series of posts identifying OER related to your learning objectives. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Who is qualified to assess you to ensure the learning has occurred? Who would you like to see as the entity that publicly states that you have achieved those learning objectives? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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