Showing 3 of 3 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone of work by Michael Griffithanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Blogging in Professional Networks: Nov 8-26, 2010
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith
Empowering Adult Learners through Blog: An Australian Case Study, (with Loong Wong), Chapter 2 of Adult Learning in the Digital Age. Terry T. Kidd (Ed.). Igi Global: 2010. There is a link to this book at: questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith
Great to hear that others are using Blogging for teaching literature. How do you use it Dilip? Do you have a regular fixed, assessable requirement? How do you encourage your students to engage? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: ePortfolios: May 31-June 13, 2010
Re: ePortfolios: Tool comparision and implementation
by Michael Griffith
Students feel they can't be seen by anyone they want and they always sense that "big brother" in the university administration is there in the background tweaking what they are doing and restricting their options. They click on user settings which allow their ePortfolio to be seen by Google... but in fact they can be seen by no one. Am I being paranoid about this, or is there a real sense that without visiblity ePortfolios are not worth the "paper" they are "printed on". Any thoughts on this? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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