Showing 3 of 3 annotations by anyone of work by Julia Hengstleranyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in discussion "Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?"forum "Automating Instructional Design: June 6-24, 2011":


: Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?
Rubric with performance standards vs. EPSS
by Julia Hengstler
During my MA work I read up on ISD, ADDIE, etc., but don't recall design rubrics as such. Are there any that demonstrate a performance standard range ( I.e. Beginning, developing, capable, expert design)? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Though as I write this, I'm pondering how to scale the design's responsiveness to 4 key C's: context, content/curriculum, & client (learner/target audience) needs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Is it different where the context & client needs are fairly stable so that you might be able to developed a basic institutional design rubric-- maybe with some sub-rubrics based on type of content ( behavioral, cognitive, etc.)? But then where does instructor's pedagogical approach figure? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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