Showing 5 of 5 annotations by anyone of work by Nicholas Bowskillanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Reflections and Next Steps: August 23-31, 2010"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: SCoPE & The Pedagogy of Online Communities
SCoPE & The Pedagogy of Online Communities
by Nicholas Bowskill
How should a community like SCoPE work with other similar communities (- if they should)? What would professional development look like for working in intercultural online communities if this is an emerging form of practice? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Are we working to a particular - perhaps western model - of working online? How do we work together with difference in such open environments? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Also what do we as participants in SCoPE 'expect' in such contexts - from tutors, from each other and as learning outcomes? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: SCoPE & Web 2.0
Re: SCoPE & Web 2.0
by Nicholas Bowskill
Is it distinct from a learning community, a community of practice or a knowledge-building community as 3 flavours of community often mentioned (to quote McConnell, 2006)? What do we mean by community? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Welcome to the annual Reflections and Next Steps
Re: Welcome to the annual Reflections and Next Steps
by Nicholas Bowskill
Is this one working because there are few others provided by institutions for example? Might it be seen for less virtuous goals as a device for marketing to get the name out there and then recruit people or exploit the participants as data? Alternatively, should we each have our own goals and purposes in a spirit of shared data? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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