Showing 1 of 1 annotations by anyone of work by Vasi Donchevaanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in discussion "Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations"forum "A Framework for Academic Volunteers International: Dec 5-16, 2011":


: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Vasi Doncheva
Here are a few questions to get us started: - What do you think about the propoused role of AVIs? - what kind of support will be needed and critical for OER learners to succeed in particular at the initial stages ( year 1 and 2 level of Univercity study)? - What do you think of the suggested structure? - What else we need to consider and include in the design that we have missed in the initial draft? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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