Showing 14 of 14 annotations by anyone of work by Wayne Mackintoshanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: A Framework for Academic Volunteers International: Dec 5-16, 2011
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Wayne Mackintosh
How do we scale the model so that we have enough volunteers to provide a short personal orientation service for new OERu course enrolments (without adding cost to the OERu anchor partners.)? Are their ways in which the OERu network could generate revenue to offer some form of payment for a "call-centre" type of environment where personal support of this nature could be offered? Are there kudos incentives which would encourage volunteers to provide a personal orientation for OERu learners? For example -- I wouldn't object, for instance, to donating 1 hour a week to provide orientation services - -I enjoy connecting with "real" people and get tremedous satisfication from helping a neighbour. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations
by Wayne Mackintosh
My sense is asking for advice and input for the planning of AVI with specific reference to "Retired academic volunteers" . Would a covering letter and a short survey collecting the information we need be a suitable approach? Would participants be interested in generating ideas for the kinds of questions / data we need to gather when contracting groups like the Golden Gurus? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Does anyone have knowledge or experience of the United Nations Volunteer programme
by Wayne Mackintosh
I was wondering whether any members of this SCoPE seminar have any prior knowledge or experience of the United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme? Is there anything we can learn from the UNV programme for the design of AVI? Should the OER Foundation consider partnering with the UNV to make use of their online volunteering service for AVI? Are there other organisations who could assist with coordinating volunteer services? Would it be better for the OERu intitiative to build their own volunteer coordiniation model? What do you think? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Does anyone have knowledge or experience of the United Nations Volunteer programme
by Wayne Mackintosh
That's valuable feedback. Has the peoples-uni initiative done any research or analysis on the different roles of volunteers, who they are, why they volunteer and the average time they contribute to the project, for example hours per week? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Designing OERu Credentials: Aug 29-Sept 13, 2011
Organisational models for free (no-fee) learning and low cost OER credentials
by Wayne Mackintosh
Are there other models emerging which should be listed? Does the organisational approach make a difference regarding cost, scalability and sustainability of the model? What are the most important advantages / disadvantages of each of these models? How might these models interact and collaborate within an evolving OER ecosystem? Which model would you recommend for your institution? Which model will you be able to sell to your Vice Chancellor or President? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
What credential would you recommend as the starting point for the OERu anchor partners to consider? What factors should the OERu take into account when choosing the inaugural credential? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
Do you have any thoughts and ideas on how we might be able to reduce costs while improving scalability of the assessment model within the context of the OERu collaboration. Looking forward to working with TRU on this one. questions Hilda Anggraeni
OER innovation threshold - What is the number of OERu innovations
by Wayne Mackintosh
What do you consider to be the major innovations of the OERu? What are the possible innovations the OERu should consider for the future? Which of the innovations in 1 and 2 above will be "acceptable" to society and the economy? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Pedagogical models -- What does open pedagogy for OERu look like
by Wayne Mackintosh
What pedagogical approaches do you envisage for OERu? What are the digital literacies and enablers? What might these "new digital" pedagogies look like? How do they scale for large numbers of learners? How do the prospective costs of these pedagogies compare to traditional models? What aspects of the traditional teaching approaches are appropriate for the OERu model? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Thoughts on governance, leadership and organisational structure for OERu
by Wayne Mackintosh
Any advice or suggestions for governance model for the OERTen / OERu? What organisational model would be best for the OERu? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: OER university: Feb 16-Mar 2, 2011
Re: Checking in
by Wayne Mackintosh
there are many Professors who utilise materials hosted on the open web in their teaching. Learners without question ;-). That said, OER is far from being mainstream in our education systems. For example, how many post-secondary teaching institutions have intellectual property policies which default to open content licenses? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Credit and degrees
by Wayne Mackintosh
Within an open ecosystem as courses are donated or developed, pretty soon we have full degrees. If every institution were to commit one paper / course and we remix available OERs -- how long will it take to implement the first degree for the OER university concept? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Wayne Mackintosh
What mechanisms or processes should the OER university use for articulation of course credits? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: OER University Logic Model
by Wayne Mackintosh
Institutions like ESC are well prepared to respond to PLA needs from OER learners. Therefore from an OER university perspective -- We need to look and see if there are ways to use OER models to enhance the efficiency and reduce costs of PLA for participating institutions. What mechanisms and processes can the OER university implement for pre-evaluated courses within a broader curriculum framework. questions Hilda Anggraeni
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