Showing 2 of 2 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone of work by Wayne Mackintoshanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in discussion "What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?"forum "Designing OERu Credentials: Aug 29-Sept 13, 2011":


: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
What credential would you recommend as the starting point for the OERu anchor partners to consider? What factors should the OERu take into account when choosing the inaugural credential? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
Do you have any thoughts and ideas on how we might be able to reduce costs while improving scalability of the assessment model within the context of the OERu collaboration. Looking forward to working with TRU on this one. questions Hilda Anggraeni
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