Showing 11 of 11 annotations by anyone of work by Paul Staceyanyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Designing OERu Credentials: Aug 29-Sept 13, 2011
Non-traditional OERu Models
by Paul Stacey
Use this thread to share your more radical ideas and aspirations for the OERu. How would it work? What are OER making possible that wasn't possible before and how would an OERu help make that happen? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Paul Stacey
What academic fields of study have a lot of OER already been developed for? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What academic level have those OER been developed for? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: OER university: Feb 16-Mar 2, 2011
Take the OER Challenge!
by Paul Stacey
These can be formal or informal. You can find and pursue learning objectives that are part of formal academic offering. You can identify informal personal learning objectives that are an area of interest you'd like to know more about or skill you'd like to acquire. Reply to this OER Challenge post with your objectives in point form questions Hilda Anggraeni
Pair the OER you find with the learning objectives you identified in step 1. Try and find OER that not only includes content relevant to your learning objectives but learning activities too. Reply to your Step 1 OER challenge post with a follow-on posts or series of posts identifying OER related to your learning objectives. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Who is qualified to assess you to ensure the learning has occurred? Who would you like to see as the entity that publicly states that you have achieved those learning objectives? questions Hilda Anggraeni
OER University Logic Model
by Paul Stacey
Should the OER University be an actual entity/institution or is it better for it to simply be a framework or designation that institutions can adopt should they choose to participate? Do students formulate their own learning pathway based on available OER or do institutions identify a curriculum of OER and formulate credentials they are willing to provide for completion of that curriculum? questions Hilda Anggraeni
OERU Next Steps
by Paul Stacey
The OERU is off to a great start. What follow-on seminars or events should be scheduled and planned for to keep the momentum going? What other organizations need to be involved? Who are the key people that need to be at the table contributing to making the OERU a reality? What can we set as the next date/event for the OERU? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Online Conferences: Pro-D for a Networked Era: April 11-22, 2011
Dual Mode Conferences
by Paul Stacey
What might presenters do differently to design a dual mode presentation to better engage with virtual participants? How can we more fully bring the virtual participants into the event and generate interaction between them and the presenter and f2f attendees? One thing I've noticed that is intriguing is that f2f delegates often log in to the Elluminate room even while sitting in the venue. In this case they and the Elluminate facilitator are engaged in dual mode presence with virtual participants. How might we deliberately use this as part of the experience? A big aspect of f2f conferences as Terry and Lynn note in their book is the social networking of delegates. How can we use dual mode presence to create a social networking event that brings f2f and virtual delegates together? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Open Educational Resources: January 19 - February 8, 2009
Re: What does 'Open' mean to you?
by Paul Stacey
Why are there no OER initiatives that start with the premise that there are lots of existing high quality OER out there, so lets just find the best resources and modify/adapt them for our own academic use? Is it because all faculty believe they have a unique understanding of their domain and want to create courses that reflect that uniqueness? I wonder if the OER movement will ever evolve to a mode of development where OER are collaboratively developed right from the onset by faculty across multiple institutions? Will OER initiatives eventually generate communities of academic peers who share a common academic domain and agree to collaborate on it together over time (like open source software)? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Week 3 - Making OER Less Content-Centric
by Paul Stacey
Who knew that that clunky looking OER was a wonder when students and faculty revved it up and took it out for spin? Who knew that the slick looking OER beside it looked good but didn't perform well? And isn't it amazing how a really good driver (and interesting passengers) can get the most out of an old vehicle and make that journey a joy? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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