Topic outline

  • Welcome to Current Topics in Micro-credentials in BC

    Green and Blue FLO MicroCourse

    Dive deeper in this two-week FLO MicroCourse on micro-credentials. A selection of current topics in micro-credentials will be offered, discussed, and applied to our B.C. context — for example, how to explain competencies to others in an easy-to-understand way. We will co-create a resource on each topic for others to use in their practice. 

    Note: Topics 1 - 10 below (at the end) were developed as a way of being flexible in terms of topics but the topics we ended up going with - Competency question, fit, and Mixer seemed to work really well

  • Welcome from the Facilitators

  • Course Activities

    Week One:

    Step 1: Introduce yourself in the Build Community topic 

    Step 2:  Review the basics of Micro-credentials (optional)

    Step 3: Participate in our intro synchronous session

    Step 4:  Participate in Week One Discussion (The Competency Question)

    Step 5: Participate in our midpoint synchronous session with special guests from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

    Step 6: Reflect on what you learnt this week.

    Week Two: 

    Step 1: Participate in Week Two Discussion (Where Do Micro-credentials Fit in BC Post Secondary Institutions)

    Step 2: Participate in our Wrap Up Synchro session

    Step 3: Reflect on what you learn this week.

    Both Weeks (Optional)

    Dive into "The Mixer" - an unfacilitated space where you can discuss other topics associated with micro-credentials.

  • Badge Recognition

  • Building Community

  • Optional Review

  • Week One: The competency question

  • Week Two: Where do Micro-credentials Fit in BC Post Secondary Education?

  • The Mixer: Your chance To Discuss Any Topic Related to Micro-credentials

  • Reflections