Text chat from the October 26, 2009 Art of Teaching session

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Welcome Mary, and our House of Learning group!

Mary Burgess - RRU: Thanks Sylvia!

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Hi Jhibbert. Welcome! Where are you from?

NWCC House of Learning: Hello and good morning! We have three of us right now and we are hoping that some instructors will be able to join us this week. For those that could not attend last week I sent out a link to the video

NWCC House of Learning: We are still getting our microphone set up..

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): @NWCC Terrific! Love the way you gather together to participate in these sessions

jhibbert: Hi Sylvia, I'm from COTR

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): so far we're participating from all parts of the province

Mary Burgess - RRU: It is rainy and yucky in Victoria this morning!

Moderator (neil Smith): HI Mary - sorry about the weather down there.. we are sunny and 25 degrees C!! Neil

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Cold enough for snow in Lac Le Jeune. Ice starting to form on the lakes

Gina Bennett COTR: it's snowing in Cranbrook...

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): I'm sitting beside Neil and I don't know where he

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): 's talking about

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): LOL We'll check the Nanaimo webcam

Gina Bennett COTR: looks like party time on the webcams

Mary Burgess - RRU: Yes, finding that a wee bit hard to believe (warm weather!)

Gina Bennett COTR: hi again, Jennifer!

Jennifer Hibbert COTR: Hi Gina, good Monday to you

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): http://scope.bccampus.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=2301

Jennifer Hibbert COTR: has anyone else lost your sound

Gina Bennett COTR: not me, the sound is ok

Mary Burgess - RRU: mine is ok too

Jennifer Hibbert COTR: it's back, thanks

Moderator (Randy LaBonte): Jennifer, if your connectivity is spotty, Elluminate caches the feed on the server, then when you reconnect it streams it out faster (and you get helium voice!)

Jennifer Hibbert COTR: Thanks Randy

Christina Merl: Hi all!

Gina Bennett COTR: hi Christina, where are you from+

Christina Merl: Vienna, Austria.. you?

Gina Bennett COTR: BC, Canada. Welcome from Austria!

Christina Merl: thx!

Gina Bennett COTR: THere was a really interesting presentation at ETUG last week about the importance of engaging your learners

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Some artefacts from the Designing for Engagement session Gina mentioned: http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/2462

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Welcome back Wendy

Christina Merl: thanks for sharing the link!

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): Thanks! Sorry I am late... I was in another Elluminate class, coaching the presenter...

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): definately all about baselines!

Moderator (Randy LaBonte): let me know if you do not have the video running

Gina Bennett COTR: video runs but I can't seem to get the audio

Mary Burgess - RRU: We just watch pre-assessment and not participation, correct?

Mary Burgess - RRU: thanks

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Green check if you're finished watching the video

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): Gina, did your audio work out?

Gina Bennett COTR: nope

Christina Merl: audio did not really work out over here.

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): There's an audio slider on the video at the bottom left.

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): Maybe check that first.

Gina Bennett COTR: yep, i turns that all the way up

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): What browser are you using?

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): Lots of questioning

Gina Bennett COTR: FF

Moderator (Andrew Marchand): Try opening the link in IE

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Does anybody do anything before first class meeting?

Mary Burgess - RRU: How about a discussion of what students hope to learn?

Gina Bennett COTR: @Andrew

Gina Bennett COTR: ok, thanks

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): I send out an email with a pre-assessment of technology and host tutorials, starting with the question.. what shall we learn today

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): sorry... I was taken up with the video

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Excellent interviews. Love listening to the students especially

Gina Bennett COTR: they respect their students

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): I was pleased to see a distinction between "fun" and "interesting and engaging" ... learning may not always be fun, but it can be engaging

Gina Bennett COTR: the instructors obviously ENJOY their students, enjoy teaching

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): builds community too, Neil!

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Welcome Amy! We're just talking about participation - questions on slide

Mary Burgess - RRU: I think smaller group discussion versus whole class might make it easier for some

amy nlc: Thank you - I will catch up momentarily

Kyra TRU: Sorry, I can't. No mic

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Type instead?

amy nlc: structured forum discussion, start with an intro activity

Gina Bennett COTR: i like the idea of having small group work quite structured, at least at first

Kyra TRU: How about students forming questions as a team? Helps save face and build competence / confidence

Christina Merl: Very nice tool -- interview matrix. Thanks for sharing this!

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): One great strategy used in a grad course I took -- "conversation memos"

Mary Burgess - RRU: I agree Gina, otherwise I see a bunch of people in groups looking at each other wondering what they are supposed to do

amy nlc: wikis to build community formed responses

Gina Bennett COTR: conversation memos, can you say more sylvia?

Christina Merl: What are "conversation memos"?

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): @Kyra Yes! And have them write exam questions

Gina Bennett COTR: i'd like it Neil

Mary Burgess - RRU: yes please!

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): yes please!

Christina Merl: Great, Neil -- thanks a lot!

amy nlc: yes

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): So true, Mary

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Neil does an outstanding job of keeping up wiht chat!

Mary Burgess - RRU: Engaging isn't necessarily fun

amy nlc: hopefully "fun" occurs when learners are engaged and interested

amy nlc: we enjoy what we are interested in

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): yes, Amy

Mary Burgess - RRU: I don't know that cognitive dissonance is fun, but we still need it sometimes

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): I'll say more about conversation memos. I can post some details in SCoPE discussion

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): kinda like Stats!!

Gina Bennett COTR: i think the difference between education & entertainment is that in education you are open to being changed by the experience

amy nlc: Agreed

Glen Bowden: edutainment vs deep learning.

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): @Gina - so true

Mary Burgess - RRU: Agreed

amy nlc: It is

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Great explanation, Glen

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): It goes beyond the banking method of teaching

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Yes, and in authentic projects your contribution is important to group as a whole

Mary Burgess - RRU: Sorry all, I have to dash to another meeting, thanks for another great session Neil and all, I feel very engaged!

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Thanks for coming, Mary!

Kyra TRU: I'm interested in how transformative learning fits into this discussion...

Gina Bennett COTR: i think transformative learning gets right at the heart of changing values

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): true transformation is a lofty goal

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): transformation - challenging exisiting knowledge and practices

Kyra TRU: Yes, I was thinking of how we encourage that. Patricia Cranton has an interesting model that questions the What. How and Why

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Kyra doesn't have mic

Kyra TRU: The WHY potentially leading to praxis

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): Cranton was my Master's thesis advisor ... whew intense... wonderful woman

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): "WHY" my favourite word for my students

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): Or in SCoPE http://scope.bccampus.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=2301

amy nlc: I would appreciate that resource

Kyra TRU: Cranton, P. (2002). Teaching for transformation. In J. M. Ross-Gordon (Ed.),
Contemporary viewpoints on teaching adults. New directions for adult and continuing education 93, (pp. 64-73). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cranton, P. (2006). Understanding and promoting transformative learning: A guide for
educators of adults. (2nd ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): Cranton, P. (1998). No one way: Teaching and learning in higher education. Toronto, ON: Wall & Emerson.

Glen Bowden: Transformative goals of some individuals may be considered invasive by some groups or individuals. But if a teacher/thinker has nothing of value that they should transform their learner/follower to they should consider raising plants insted

Christina Merl: Thank you very much for this very interesting session. I look fwd to next week! Will try to contribute to the asynchronous discussion.

Glen Bowden: Thanks Again.

Moderator (Sylvia Currie): http://scope.bccampus.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=2301

Kyra TRU: Thanks everyone

amy nlc: Transformative can be as small as an awareness that wasn't there before

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (StFX/UniSA): Conversation with Patricia Cranton: http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructional-design/transformative-learning-qa-with-patricia-cranton/

Gina Bennett COTR: thanks Neil, thanks everybody

amy nlc: Thanks - I wish I had been able to attend the full session!

Moderator (Randy LaBonte): you will be sent there when you close the Elluminate window

NWCC House of Learning: Thanks to everyone! We will look forward to getting the recording for distribution to faculty. Kerrie Orr, NWCC

Moderator (neil Smith): Thanks to everone.. looking forward to continuing the discussion!- Neil and Andrew, signing off