
Monday, 12 May 2008


SCoPE Seminar: Social Media - Benefits for Researchers

SOF2008 Online Symposium: Shaping Our Future: Toward a Pan-Canadian E-learning Research Agenda

Site event
Shaping Our Future: Toward a Pan-Canadian E-learning Research Agenda

Canada is one of the only countries in the developed world without a national strategic plan to research, develop and harness new technologies for teaching and learning. E-learning, in combination with other forms of delivery, affords potential to increase not only accessibility, but effectiveness and enjoyment of both formal and lifelong learning for Canadians of all ages. This 3 week online conference is designed to inform, inspire and lead to actions that insure that Canadians maximize the opportunities presented by new technologies and associated pedagogies.

Access the SCoPE group to "register" for this symposium.

SOF2008 Presentation: The value, form, and function of a large scale research agenda

Site event
This presentation is part of the online conference:
Shaping our Future: Toward a Pan-Canadian E-learning Research Agenda

Title: The value, form, and function of a large scale research agenda

Presenter: Terry Anderson

This session overviews the nature and practice of research in emerging and strategically important domains. How have other nations and other disciplines organized funding and priority shaping? What is gained and what lost from national research agendas? Is collaborative research really effective? How do we decide what are the important issues and which are most likely to lead to effective results? This session kicks of the virtual conference by over viewing the 'big picture' and defining the need for and terms of effective pan Canadian e-learning research.