Workshop Handbook

FLO Learning Activities

Weekly Checklist

You will be attending to these activities throughout the five weeks of the workshop. If you prefer a visual approach, see the clickable illustration at the bottom of this page (organized by your roles in the workshop).

Weekly Activities

check markOverview - Read/view, reflect and discuss 

check markYour Learning Journal - Collect your thoughts, questions and reflections (this can be private or shared)

check mark  FORUM: Weekly Journal Share - Extract or glean "nuggets" to share

check markSelf-Assess Your Participation  - Refer to the rubrics, and include comments about your performance in your journal share.

check markActively participate in each learning activity. We ALL count on your participation.

check mark  FORUM: Open Forum - The "go-to" forum to read announcements, seek help, initiate discussions, etc. 

check mark  Forum: Feedback For Facilitation Teams  - Wait until the weekly learning activity is completed, then follow the guidelines and post to the appropriate topic thread.

check mark FLIF (Feel, Like, Improve, Feedback) - Facilitators complete these questions at the end of the week in which their Team facilitates.

A Visual Approach to Weekly Activities

FLO Roles

Do you prefer a visual overview of weekly activities? Click on the image to view a presentation organized by your two roles in the workshop: participant and facilitator. Click on the left side for "facilitator" activities; the middle for activities for both roles; click on the right side for "participant" activities.