Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 9:53 AM
Site: SCoPE - BCcampus Learning + Teaching
Group: FLO MicroCourse: Micro-Credentials in the BC Context OER (March 2021) (Micro-Credentials in the BC Context OER (March 2021))
Glossary: Academic Anchors of Micro-Credentials

The OERu Rubik's Cube

Mackintosh, W., Peachey, V., Looney, M. D. M., & Goode, C. The OERu Rubik’s Cube: Fitting the Pieces Together for Transnational Micro-credentialing. https://wcol2019. ie, 569.

The Present and Future of Alternative Digital Credentials

ICDE (2019) The Present and Future of Alternative Digital Credentials (ADCs) International Council for Open and Distance Education. Retrieved from https://www.icde.org/knowledge-hub/2019/4/10/the-present-and-future-of-alternative-digital-credentials.