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Group: FLO MicroCourse: Micro-Credentials in the BC Context OER (March 2021) (Micro-Credentials in the BC Context OER (March 2021))
Glossary: Micro-Credentials in the News

7 Things You Should Read About Micro Credentialing

Author:  Educause

Date: July 2017

Link: https://library.educause.edu/-/media/files/library/2017/7/elir1704.pdf

7 interesting articles or videos showing different aspects of micro-credentials


A Critical Article. Higher Education’s Microcredentialing Craze (Ralston, S.J., 2021)

Higher Education’s Microcredentialing Craze: a Postdigital-Deweyan Critique

Postdigital Science and Education volume 3, pages 83101 (2021)


As the value of a university degree plummets (Selingo 2017), the popularity of the digital microcredential has soared. Similar to calls for the early adoption of Blockchain technology (Ralston 2019), the so-called ‘microcredentialing craze’ could be no more than a fad, marketing hype, or another case of ‘learning innovation theater’ (Doran 2017; Maloney and Kim 2019). Alternatively, the introduction of these compact skills- and competency-based online certificate programs might augur the arrival of a legitimate successor to the four-year university diploma (Young 2017ab). As of 2018, 20% of colleges and universities offered for-credit and non-credit microcredentials, forecasted to be 30 to 40% within a decade (Gallagher 2018). The thesis of this article is that the craze for microcredentialing reflects (1) administrative urgency to unbundle higher education curricula and degree programs for greater efficiency and profitability and (2) a renascent movement among industry and higher education leaders to reorient the university curriculum towards vocational training.

The article is organized as follows. Part 1 defines the microcredential and explains its role in the neoliberal learning economy. Part 2 narrates the declining value of the university diploma relative to the microcredential. Part 3 presents the unbundled university and explores its relation to the postdigital perspective. Part 4 reveals how the surge in microcredentialing has sparked a critical response from some quarters. Many of these critics claim that the business partnerships between universities and third-party microcredentialing platform vendors undermine higher education’s traditional mission. Part 5 describes the debate in the 1910s between the American educational philosopher John Dewey and vocational education innovator David Snedden. The aim of this historical inquiry is to demonstrate that the microcredentialers’ campaign to repurpose higher education as a delivery mechanism for vocational training is a resurgent, not a new, movement. Part 6, the article’s conclusion, proposes a postdigital-Deweyan critique of the microcredentialing craze. Also, the conclusion presents a series of suggestions for alternatives, or third-ways, between a traditional degree-based higher education model and a microcredential-dominated system of vocational education.

Open Access

Ralston, S.J. Higher Education’s Microcredentialing Craze: a Postdigital-Deweyan Critique. Postdigit Sci Educ 3, 83–101 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-020-00121-8

Alternative Credential Stacking

Author: Dr. Tannis Morgan

Date:  September 30, 2020

Link: https://homonym.ca/published/alternative-credential-stacking/

Alternative Credentials - micro-credentials, stackable credentials and digital badges

Author: Dr. Tannis Morgan

Date: September 25th, 2020

Link: https://homonym.ca/published/alternative-credentials-micro-credentials-stackable-credentials-and-digital-badges/

Alternative Credentials as Institutional Imperative

Author: Doug Leaderman

Date: February 6th, 2019

Link: https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2019/02/06/report-predicts-alternative-credentials-sweeping-impact-higher

Alternative Credentials on the Rise

As the Micro-Credential Market Booms, Don't Forget The Learner


Can Micro-Credentials Make Students More Future-Ready?

Author: Unicheck

Date: March 6, 2020

Link: https://unicheck.com/blog/microcredentials-for-students-perspectives

CNA Offerings Expand To Include Microcredentials

Author: College of the North Atlantic

Date: October 2, 2020

Link: https://www.cna.nl.ca/news/news-article.aspx?messageid=1332

Mentions the T shaped graduate. Third party provider: Amazon Web Services Academy

Could micro-credentials compete with traditional degrees?