Posts made by Christine Horgan


At SAIT Polytechnic, we use the Instructor Skills Workshop (ISW) training originally developed at a B.C. college (about 25 years ago).

ISW is a 24-hr training session which is available to new instructors, contract instructors,instructors needing a refresher; it's also part of our 80 hr Teaching Excellence Foundations (TEF) training offered to new hires every August.

TEF and ISW make use of the BOPPPS model (bridge in, objective, pre-assessment, participation, post-assessment, summary). Using the model goes a long way to addressing the problem you offer as an example. Is it a panacea for all teaching woes? No. Does it help? Yes.


Sylvia: I was looking through the various threads to catch up on what I might have missed and spotted the Suggestions for promotion topic in the "Quick View of SCoPE ideas....."

How is SCoPE presently promoted?

I did, as I often do, stumbled across SCoPE quite by accident. Despite singing its virtues to many curriculum folks here at SAIT, as far as I know I'm the only SAIT person active or lurking in SCoPE.

Perhpas it's time to take the show on the road and deliver talks at some educational conferences (EduCAUSE comes to mind and one other that is connected to the Hewlett-Packard foundation but the name just won't come to me right now).

Cheers, Chris

Hello: Hopefully I'm posting this suggestion to the right place this time. It's Wednesday in Calgary and still cold and snowy and the roads are awful!

My make-work suggestion is all that my frozen brain will come up with right now.

Cheers, Chris (Horgan)

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Christine Horgan <> wrote:

My only suggestion on this cold and snowy Calgary morning, Sylvia, is that “someone” (who?) provide regular summaries of the discussion.

That way, if I don’t have time to follow all the emails, I can still pick up the threads of the discussion and then go back and follow up in more detail a particular thread. Unfortunately, my suggestion makes work for someone.


Jo Ann:

Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers wrote,

I would like to see more international involvement

I'm bringing this request to a new thread because international involvement IS very important in SCoPE. What are some activities and discussion topics that we should be considering?

I would really like to know a lot more about how my counterparts in othe countries are handling e-learning....I'm particularly interested in how those in developing countries are dealing with their challenges.

I have no specific e-learning topics in mind, though...I'm just curious and open to learning more about pretty much anything (not sure if that means I'm easy to please or plain lazy)

Cheers, Chris