Posts made by Ken Udas

I am not sure if this is important to the broader community, but for partner universities accreditation is more than certifying course quality.  It speaks to more broadly defined standards across virtually every aspect of university governance and operations (admissions, student services, academic freedom, retention, etc.).  It is through this accreditation process that institutional (not limited to instructional or academic) standards are certified.


3) I am not sure that I have much to offer here.  A nice tool allowing the creator to upload images would be dandy.

4) I am guessing that some sort of descriptive schema as Stephen suggests makes sense. There ought to be a way to content the badge representation, with the description of the learning outcomes, perhaps with the artifacts describing assessment and the artifacts that were assessed (if appropriate and accessible).

Is there a role for RDF?

- Cheers

Lots of Scouts. I am going to try something different.

1. Identify a merit badge you earned during your lifetime.
What did you have to do to earn it? Did you earn more than one badge? And were they awarded by the same organization?

I have earned an automobile inspection badge.  I have earned about 25 of them - one each year for a number of years. They have been awarded by a number of state regulation agencies (Commonwealths of Massachusetts, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, New Zealand, etc.)

To earn the badges I needed to maintain a registered motor vehicle, pass an inspection/exam, and exhibit the ability to respond to questions during the inspection.

2. Describe how you displayed the merit badge(s).
If you earned more than one badge, did you display them together? Did you display badges from different organizations together?

I normally displayed it on my windshield. 

To be honest, I am not sure if I earned the badge or if car did.

Hello- My name is Ken Udas.  I think that I have a reasonable conceptual understanding of badges, but not so much about implementation. I am interested  in the topic generally, but specifically I have some notions and interest in how badges might be integrated into traditional credit-based programming. For example, how might badges be used to capture aspects of overall curricular or program intent rather than subject specific competencies measured in specific courses (in which credits are offered).

I am currently living in Evanston, Illinois (US) - just north of Chicago.

Good Day! Although this might be a bit tangential, it is my feeling that the core intellectual content assets and processes for credentials defined by competencies with robust assessment methods could be licensed and distributed as OER as well.

What I do like about a competency based approach is that competencies may be expressed/articulated in ways through assessment that have local meaning, which has been one of the opportunities that OER provides for localization / internalization. Ken

ps: pardon all of the "z's"