Course Overview

Site: SCoPE - BCcampus Learning + Teaching
Group: FLO MicroCourse: Future Facing Assessments OER 2023
Book: Course Overview
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Date: Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 7:55 AM


This short book is like a syllabus. It provides an overview of the week, time commitments, and requirements for obtaining a digital badge certifying your completion of the course.

1. Navigating this Book

Person looking at a mapWelcome! We are looking forward to learning about the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and alternative assessments (AA) with you in this community of engaged educators.

In order to communicate what this course is about and what you can expect, we have created this book (a series of linked webpages, which we call "chapters").

To navigate this book, you have a few options. You can use the Table of Content located on the top right to jump to specific pages. Alternatively, you can use the forward and back arrows that appear at the top and bottom of every page.

Note: Images created using Bing Image Creator (September 2023)

2. Course Description

Robot overseeing a classroomChatGPT has disrupted formal assessments and caused concerns among educators in higher education. While many institutions are approaching the topic from a policing lens, we would like to suggest AI is here to stay and we should help our learners to work properly with this tool. In this FLO course, we will explore ways to incorporate AI tools, such as ChatGPT but also other generative AI tools, into assignments. These assignments give learners the option of using the tool, teach them how to use it responsibly, and develop critical thinking, digital literacy, and creative skills. Come explore how to work with AI tools rather than fighting them.

Note: Images created using Bing Image Creator (September 2023)

3. Learning Outcomes

By completing the activities of this course, we hope that you will deepen your abilities to:

  1. Articulate concerns and opportunities for AI in student work
  2. Understand the impact of AI on learner assessments
  3. Design assessment strategies that incorporate AI
  4. Design engaging alternative assessment strategies 
  5. Design feedback using AI

4. Modules

This course is divided into 3 modules.

  • EXPLORE is designed to take place on Monday and Tuesday. The purpose of this module is to meet members of this community, get everyone oriented, and start our exploration of the use of AI in assessments. After pondering this information, we will engage in a discussion about how best to introduce the use of AI to our learners.
  • DESIGN follows and is scheduled to take place on Wednesday and Thursday. On those two days, you will choose one of the alternative assessment examples (or your own idea), add in an AI component, and adapt it for your context. A guidebook takes you through the steps of designing and developing this assessment so that it is ready for use in your classroom. You end these two days by showcasing your work to your colleagues.
  • SHOWCASE, which will take place on Friday, is all about celebrating what you have done, learning from each other's ideas, and gaining inspirations for your next alternative assessment.

From the course homepage, you will notice that each module has its own section (you can also access it directly by clicking on its name in the menu on the left-hand side of this online course). Each module contains a "to do" list and the activities that this list refers to are linked below it.

5. Estimated Time Commitment

The activities in this course are scheduled to take place between Monday Oct 2 and Friday Oct 6, 2023. That's just 5 days! Of course, the course materials will remain accessible to you for several weeks after that, so you can complete the activities on your own time.

As this is a course for adult learners, we understand that you have other obligations that may keep you from participating in this course. As a guideline to achieving the learning outcomes and keep apace with colleagues in this course, we recommend that you set aside 60-90 minutes per day to work on course activities.

Among the activities of this course, you can anticipate:

  • You will participate in 3 discussion forums.
  • There will be 1 (optional) synchronous meetings: one on Tuesday (9 - 10 am PST).

6. Digital Badge

Image of a woman proudly holding up an award ribbon.Completion of this course entitled you to a digital badge. A badge is a URL to a webpage that's unique to you. It contains your name, when you completed the course, what you did to complete it, and which institution awarded it (here BCcampus). It also contains a sought-after visual logo attesting your completion of this course. You can use it to certify to others - your employer or visitors to your LinkedIn site - that you have successfully completed this course.

In order to obtain the FLOMicrocourse badge for Future Facing Assessments, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Contribute a post to the Forum How to Prepare Students to Use GenAI 
  2. Share your alternative assessment design in the Forum  Showcase your Assessment 
  3. Comment on at least one of your colleagues' posts in the Forum Showcase your Assessment

The system will automatically track your contributions and should award you the badge as soon as you have completed these steps.


If you would like to monitor your progression on these action items, you can check the discussion forums How to Prepare Students to Use GenAI and Showcase your Assessment. Below the link to each one, you will notice some text over grey background. One says To do: Start Discussion: 1 and the other To do: Post replies: 1.

  • When you have completed your original post to each discussion forum, the text will change to say Done: Start Discussion: 1 and it will appear over a green background.
  • Similarly, once you have completed your response to a peer in the Showcase your Assessment forum, the text will change to say Done: Post replies: 1 and it will appear over a green background.

Button that will change once you have posted to the forum 

Should you have any questions or issues with the badge, don't hesitate to reach out to Annie or Eliana.


Note: Images created using Bing Image Creator (September 2023)