Course Overview

Participation Expectations

This course is participatory and cohort-based. To derive maximum benefit, and to be fair and supportive to your course colleagues, you need to participate fully in course activities.

We recommend that you set aside 6-8 hours per week for the course activities. Expect to participate in a mix of synchronous and asynchronous online activities throughout. In terms of the synchronous activities specifically, in order to be able to successfully complete this course, you must participate in at least:

  • two of the three synchronous online sessions hosted by the course facilitators
  • two other synchronous online sessions that you will either facilitate, co-facilitate or participate in

Plan to log into the course several times each week (daily would be best) to also keep up with asynchronous course activities. This is a short course but a full one; you will have the most success if you schedule time into your calendar to complete the course and keep up your momentum with it equally over its duration.

It is important for us all to demonstrate presence in the course and contribute to it by bringing our voice to the discussions and activities (while balancing our "airtime" with that of others). Meaningful discussion posts go beyond simple "I agree"-type responses. They are thoughtful ones that often:

  • advance and open up the discussion
  • respectfully acknowledge others' way of thinking
  • make connections between course concepts and own or others' related experience
  • draw in concepts and theories from related fields of practice
  • include links to or make references to additional external resources related to the course content
  • and more!

You do not need to respond to each discussion post, but do notice whether all posts are acknowledged by someone. Your contributions to the course support your colleagues' learning; in turn, their contributions will support yours.

Lastly, please be courteous to our course community and let us know if there is something impacting your ability to be present with us in the course as expected. If you plan to be away for more than a few days you may wish to consider if this is the right time for you to take the course. Please connect as soon as possible with one of the facilitators if this situation arises for you.