Week 2: Overview, Readings and Resources

Mini-session - Introduction

You’ll be asked to explore the differences between face-to-face and online learning environments from the potential perspectives of adults of various ages, cultural backgrounds, economic circumstances and personal and educational backgrounds. Online learning environments also present different opportunities and challenges for learners (and new facilitators!)

This mini-session is intended to encourage you to consider the “affordances” of online learning; and to think of what learners need to learn effectively in online environments. For this first mini-session, you are challenged to try a new online tool - not the traditional online discussion forum.

Goals of this mini-session

Explore the opportunities and challenges of online learning as they relate to the diverse needs of adult learners. Or, put differently:

  • What supports do learners need in online learning environments?
  • What opportunities exist online that can be used to make learning more effective or interesting for adults online?
  • What challenges exist about online that might affect your learners?

Tasks for participants

  • List / map / compile / collaboratively write, a short summary of the benefits and challenges that online learning offers to adult learners. Your facilitators will post detailed instructions at the beginning of the week.
  • Provide constructive feedback (in the Feedback forum) when the session is complete.

Tasks for facilitators

  • Lead the participants through this process (without a discussion forum?) within the time allowed (Mon-Fri).
  • Remind participants to provide feedback at end of the session
  • Complete the FLIF (final reflective survey)