FLO Workshop Handbook

Tracking Your Progress

FLO Rubric

Mini-session Facilitation (Facilitator Role)


Level 1: Needs Improvement

Level 2: Competent

Level 3: Accomplished

Plan effectively with team member(s)

Connects with team members late

Sends incomplete or disjointed communications

Limited availability to devote to planning

Connects with other team members early

Communicates ideas for mini-session early and clearly

Participates with team to set up a workable mini-session with instructions, timeline and support suggestions

Stays connected with team and FLO facilitators - particularly at crucial times (prior to launch)

Reviews Back Pocket Strategies, learning outcomes and week’s topic and readings before beginning the design and planning process

Proposes workable plan and helps organize how facilitation tasks will be divided among team members


Communicate goals and roles for mini-session

Awaits direction from others about how to participate in the development of the mini-session design and instructions

Assists in defining and communicating mini-session objectives, steps, tasks, timelines and what is expected of participants to successfully complete the mini-session


Refers frequently to objectives, learning outcomes

Develops an effective strategy to keep participants on-task and monitor progress

Guide participants through the activity

Puts minimal effort into collaborating with team member(s) to provide support during mini-session

Is difficult to reach when problems or concerns arise

Monitors mini-session activities

Liaises with team members to ensure questions or concerns are answered quickly

Identifies when reminders should be posted

Posts/coordinates mini-session wrap-up

Scaffolds the participants’ learning

Posts prompts or suggestions to deepen learning or to engage learners

Demonstrates strategies to encourage community

Does not communicate with participant groups

Seldom supports or encourages peer-to-peer interactions

Encourages communication among participants

Reframes questions to include the group

Interjects comments or questions to encourage participants to notice and build on others’ contributions

Structures activities that promote peer-to-peer interactions.

Reflective Practice

Focuses on the participants' experience, rather than consider their learning and feedback

Does not relate the mini session experience to personal performance as a facilitator

Documents the facilitation experience thoroughly

Shows thoughtful consideration of participants' learning and overall experience


Considers the intended learning outcomes when reflecting on participants' learning

Offers insights into personal growth and future practice


General Participation (Participant Role)


Level 1: Needs Improvement

Level 2: Competent

Level 3: Accomplished



Contributions are not related to the topic or readings

Remarks tend to be short

Contributions offer new insights and prompt further discussion

Ideas from the readings are incorporated

Demonstrates understanding of readings and contributions of others

Takes the discussion to a deeper level by asking questions or drawing conclusions

Foster the development of online community



Rarely acknowledges others’ contributions, or does so without building on their ideas (e.g. “I agree”)

Responds only when directly questioned

Tends to post from a personal perspective


Demonstrates awareness of the role of community in learning

Regularly responds to other participant’s postings

Provides feedback each week to mini-session facilitators

Reaches out to help other participants when possible

Postings in forums are inclusive

Substantial and frequent contributions weave together and extend ideas

Frequently attempts to motivate group discussion


Engages in the activities



Infrequent participation

Little or no communication with peers or co-facilitators

Absent without communicating schedule or unexpected situations


Participates in each mini-session (or informs others of inability to participate)

Provides feedback to mini-session facilitators

Contributions are timely, considerate, and aim to advance learning and facilitation skills

Encourages others to participate, developing/demonstrating facilitator skills

Reflective practice



Reflections on the workshop experience and activities are infrequent or very brief



Regularly shares selected journal items that highlight personal learning and insights

Notices key ideas and strategies from both readings and colleagues, and considers implications for practice