FLO Workshop Handbook

Tracking Your Progress

(Self) Assessing Your Participation

One of the practical aspects of teaching and learning online is assessing participation. It’s an important topic, and so we’re going to “bookend” the FLO with it as follows:

  • At the beginning, you will review the FLO Rubric and think about any additional methods you will use to structure and guide your self-assessment of your own participation in the workshop. You may want to use a visual map or flowchart to highlight the important elements or behaviours you identify as important to evaluate. Share what you notice about your participation and the methods you are using in your Week 1 Journal Share.

  • Throughout the workshop, use the rubric to conduct some self-assessment about your participation. One way to ensure that you collect self-assessment information regularly is to integrate it with your weekly journal activity. You should contribute some reflections or thoughts about your self-assessment process to each Weekly Journal Share forum.

  • At the end, there will be a mini-session on this topic, facilitated by FLO participants. This will give you a chance to dig deeper and make plans for your future work online.

Above all…!

Consider both the quantity and quality of your contributions.

The quality of your contribution is more important than the length of each posting. In terms of quality did you— help solve a problem? lend support? challenge an idea? offer some alternatives? come up with a creative solution? ask good questions? Assist someone in clarifying his or her ideas? give examples from your personal experience? contribute solid evidence to support your opinion? show respect? acknowledge and affirm someone else's ideas? bring a derailing dialogue back on track?

In terms of quantity did you — dominate the discussion or remain too silent? explain yourself well? give good examples? respond to others as well as making your own comments?

Ask yourself whether you did your best to engage the topic and your peers in a productive dialogue!

Adapted from: Generating and Facilitating Engaging and Effective Online Discussions