Workshop Outline

FLO Learning Activities

Mini-sessions: participating

When you are not facilitating your own mini-session, you will be a participant in others' mini-sessions. Your role of participant is KEY!

During this time you are asked to:

  • Actively participate as a student. Please try to participate equally in all mini-sessions. This ensures all facilitators have an equal opportunity to practice their skills.

  • Provide timely and constructive feedback to the mini-session facilitators each week.
    • Here are some suggestions for providing effective feedback. Post your feedback to the forum thread created for each week's mini-session facilitators.
    • Aim to post at least one very specific thing the facilitators did well

This is a great opportunity for you to:

  • Really make a point of observing discussions unfold. What are you noticing (about how people respond to instructions? How fast/slowly the discussion advances? What's working? What's not? What might you use/avoid in your own online teaching? Jot these things in your journal.

  • Hone your skills and thinking around assessing online participation - one of the great dilemmas in online learning! How are people performing? 

  • Practice your skills in providing high-quality and meaningful feedback. How can you help facilitators and other participants learn from the experience? And what can you take away from the learning experience yourself?