Introduction to Generative AI in Assessments

8. Experiment with GenAI

Now that you have learned some fundamentals about GenAI, we invite you to give it a try. Although you are welcome to pick the tool that most interests you, GenAI chatbots (ChatGPT or Bing in Creative Mode) are recommended. The conversational nature of the interaction with these tools makes them intuitive and easy to use. The knowledge you gain through this experience can be translated to other platforms. Don’t be afraid to experiment with it!

If You Don't Feel Comfortable using GenAI...

Remember that all of the GenAI tools with require you to submit personal information (email address and/or telephone number) to register. If you are not comfortable doing so, consider examining the following transcript of a sample conversation about designing a lesson plan to gain an understanding of how these chatbots function. You can also view the attached video which shows how this transcript was obtained, in real time (so that you can experience the pace of the back-and-forth interaction with these tools). Incidentally, accessing the GenAI in this manner will give you a feel for how you may grant your students access to the tool without mandating that they use it – something we will discuss later.