All About Rubrics Book

6. This and That

Not all rubrics look the same. Continue reading for a description of the different kinds of available. The first three example rubrics given were created by Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy (

Typical Analytical Rubric
A scoring guide that breaks down the task or performance into itemized parts and provides a description of the varying degrees of quality possible for each of the parts. Each criterion may or may not be weighted equally.

Holistic Rubric
A scoring guide that connects an overall score to a description of the overall  quality of the task or performance. 

Single-Point Rubric
A feedback guide that breaks the task or performance into itemized parts and provides a description for the "proficient" level of quality. Space is provided to add written feedback that specifically targets concerns and points out standards of excellence. It may or may not be used to quantify the performance as well.

Marking Guide/Scoring Algorithm
A scoring guide that breaks the task or performance into itemized parts and provides a maximum score for each of the parts. No description is given. 

Max Points
Food                         /10
Presentation /5
Comfort /2
Clean-up  /3

We will discuss how to choose the best rubric for the given context in the "Creation" section of the course.