Case: Mid-point Course Review

Things to think about...

  • Do you think the instructor has some general misconceptions about the online instructor role(s)? If so, describe and relate to the readings and/or any theories of learning you’ve encountered.
  • What do you think of this instructor's "presence" in the course so far? What might you suggest she change about her participation for the remainder of the course?
  • Do you agree with the Course Instructor's assumptions about the ability of experienced online students to "just get on with it"? How might she guide or assist without being too "present"?
  • Can you find at least one blog post (or other online resource) that has useful strategies or insights to apply to this situation? Explain the strategies you used to find these resources. Feel free to share the resources and critique them as required.
  • Do you have any personal experiences you’d like to share that are similar to this case? If so, how/was the situation resolved?