Week 3 Overview

Weekly Activity

During this week, you'll be guided through an online learning activity by a team of your peers in FLO. The facilitation team will provide further details in a Instructions and Schedule document that will be posted above the week's activity forum.

A launch message will be sent out late Sunday evening or first thing Monday morning.

Focus for the Activity

You'll be asked to help an instructor, new to online teaching, who's received poor reviews from students who completed a mid-point course evaluation. You'll be given a scenario - how can the instructor respond to the problems identified by the students? What are some of the possible facilitation techniques that could be tried?

This activity is intended to encourage you to apply what you've learned about online facilitation (in this workshop or based on your prior experiences) to a situation that many instructors have encountered.


After reviewing details of a mid-point course evaluation (student feedback and comments from the instructor), explore different possible responses to

  • address the student concerns before the completion of the course
  • think of ways to help the instructor in the future -  what can the instructor do to support student learning more effectively?