Unit Notes - FDWO Week 2: The Deep Dive

ISWO Week 3: Choosing Tools

This unit and mini-session is the "newest" in ISWO (as of this writing, Feb 2014). It was designed to dig deeper into the business of choosing the right tools for supporting learning.  

The mini-session this week is:

  • Duelling Tools - The idea is to have people use different tools for the same activity (e.g., one group uses a synchronous tool, the other group uses an asynchronous tool), to see how the "results" played out. The mini-session facilitators have to design the activity itself, and assign technologies.

Please go to the ISWO Sandbox and review the BackPocket Strategies for this activity to remind you of the details, learning outcomes, and suggested approaches.  This, combined with your own experience, may "twig" other ideas that you could add to the backpocket strategies and suggest to your participants.


  • when assigning this mini-session topic, ensure that at least one of the people on the team has expressed interest and/or comfort with using technology.
  • it is easy for mini-session facilitators to get excited about playing with new tools - it is your job to keep participants focused on teaching and learning strategies while evaluating how various tools support or do not support them.
  • you should be facile with 3 or 4 technologies that could be used in this mini-session in case your mini-session facilitators need help or inspiration.